Holiday Health Hazards and How to Avert Them – with SVA Tips, Recipes, and much more!

  Let’s face it – the holidays can be mentally and emotionally stressful! In addition to our ongoing daily professional or familial obligations, we may find ourselves carried away by the whirlwind of back-to-back parties; endless shopping lists; painfully crowded malls and supermarkets; under-the-gun baking, cleaning and entertaining; family obligations and traditions that may involve […]

Chyawanprash; 52 Herbs for daily detox and rejuvenation

The Rishi and The Princess The intriguing story of Rishi Chyawan is documented in the ancient epic tale of India, the Mahabharata. Rishi Chyawan was a great seer. He was fully enlightened and thus carried no desires in his heart, except for union with the cosmic divine. It is said that he sat immobile, his […]

Discover the benefits of Alpha Lipoic Acid- with Dr. Marianne Teitelbaum

Alpha lipoic acid is an antioxidant that is made by the body and is found in every cell where it helps turn glucose into energy.    Antioxidants attack and neutralize “free radicals.” Free radicals are waste bi-products created when the body turns food into energy. When they are not properly and fully evacuated, free radicals […]

ALA in SVA- from science to sutra

 Vaidya Mishra: “As and when the need arises, from time to time, I adopt safe and effective nutritional substances that have been researched and confirmed by modern science. For example, I have added the transdermal use of Magnesium, or Vit D3 to our SVA protocols and products. These things help our SVA followers and seekers […]

Boost your Immunity to Ward-off Krimi-s!

  Immunity is our armor against invading micro-organisms that can bring disease and even death. The environment we live in is organic – it is alive with thousands of millions of micro-organisms that thrive along us. Many of these are life-supporting and helpful for the human physiology. But many are not. We get sick when […]

Vaidya replies to your e-mails…

I have a very dry condition and seems that hardly any product works for my constipation and I was wondering how effective the Triphala is for pitta? Vaidya replies: Dear Mark: in conditions of extreme constipation, there are extreme remedial measures, such as “senna” (SENNA OBTUSIFOLIA). But such measures are for single time emergency use, […]

Mucuna Instant coffee

Does your morning cup of coffee act as a tridoshic body and brain tonic? Is it rejuvenating to all your bodily tissues? Nourishing for your nerves? Calming for your mind, and supporting your daily detox through your kidneys and colon? Is it a good source of prebiotic that will nourish the friendly bacteria in your […]

MRSA: Infection of the skin

This is a 27-year-old female who presented to our office with MRSA infection of the entire body. MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) infection is caused by a strain of staph bacteria that has become resistant to the antibiotics commonly used to treat staph infections, which are the most common infections on the skin. She had the […]

Arjuna is Sacred – But Why?!

Arjuna is yet another sacred plant gifted to us by Mother Nature in her great effulgence. In the vedic texts, it is categorized as a divya aushadhi: a plant that carries “divya”or divinity. As with Guduchi, Amalaki, Tulsi, Haritaki, and so many others, its sanctity is a concrete property and resides in the fact that […]

Warm up with a cup of tea!

Temperatures are dropping, affecting the way we work, think, and sleep. We may find that our sleep is less deep, more animated with dreams; or our focus is sporadic and scattered; our thoughts are multitudinous and incessant – these are all symptoms of increased marut  (air and space elements) resulting from the change of season […]