Vaidya answers your questions: Castor oil for joint pain? and Prakrit and Triphala differences

What’s the Difference between Prakrit and High Pitta Triphala? John S. What is the difference between what Triphala or Pitta Triphala Tablets do for the digestive system and what do Prakrit Tablets do for the digestive system ? And are there conditions where both are suggested to be taken? Thank you for your wonderful formulations. […]

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I have a very dry condition and seems that hardly any product works for my constipation and I was wondering how effective the Triphala is for pitta? Vaidya replies: Dear Mark: in conditions of extreme constipation, there are extreme remedial measures, such as “senna” (SENNA OBTUSIFOLIA). But such measures are for single time emergency use, […]