I have a very dry condition and seems that hardly any product works for my constipation and I was wondering how effective the Triphala is for pitta? Vaidya replies: Dear Mark: in conditions of extreme constipation, there are extreme remedial measures, such as “senna” (SENNA OBTUSIFOLIA). But such measures are for single time emergency use, […]
Mucuna Instant coffee
Does your morning cup of coffee act as a tridoshic body and brain tonic? Is it rejuvenating to all your bodily tissues? Nourishing for your nerves? Calming for your mind, and supporting your daily detox through your kidneys and colon? Is it a good source of prebiotic that will nourish the friendly bacteria in your […]
MRSA: Infection of the skin
This is a 27-year-old female who presented to our office with MRSA infection of the entire body. MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) infection is caused by a strain of staph bacteria that has become resistant to the antibiotics commonly used to treat staph infections, which are the most common infections on the skin. She had the […]
Arjuna is Sacred – But Why?!
Arjuna is yet another sacred plant gifted to us by Mother Nature in her great effulgence. In the vedic texts, it is categorized as a divya aushadhi: a plant that carries “divya”or divinity. As with Guduchi, Amalaki, Tulsi, Haritaki, and so many others, its sanctity is a concrete property and resides in the fact that […]
Warm up with a cup of tea!
Temperatures are dropping, affecting the way we work, think, and sleep. We may find that our sleep is less deep, more animated with dreams; or our focus is sporadic and scattered; our thoughts are multitudinous and incessant – these are all symptoms of increased marut (air and space elements) resulting from the change of season […]
Happy Navaratri! Here’s to new beginnings…
“The universe is made of stories, not atoms!” as a poet once said. Think about it: don’t we all live through the stories we tell ourselves in our minds? Our stories make us who we are, and we evolve as our self-woven stories evolve! Vedic culture acknolwedges the power of stories and their role in […]
SVA Healing with Sound, Scent and golden Light…
Heal with Sound Mana- mind Yatra – there Vidyate – already there (in existence) Iti – that is Mantraha – mantra This is the literal meaning of each word, but what is the verse saying in plain english?! Vaidya explains: (a) mantra means/is that which already exists, that which is already there, […]
General dietary SVA recommendations
Hello. In Vaidya Mishra’s recent blog about hair loss, he suggested that his readers could email a request for the SVA Diet. Can you please send me a description of the SVA Diet? Thank you very much. Lora D. Vaidya replies: SVA general dietary recommendations to optimize your body’s pH balance, supply more soma, reduce […]
A question about Karela
Good morning and Thank you for all the wonderful things you teach us, I really feel the difference! My questions about Karela are; first I eat it at least 2 times a week but when I buy it I am not sure if it is supposed to have black spots on some of the bumps […]
Rudraksha strung in gold
Hi! The late Trigunaji, a well-known Indian Ayurvedic doctor, once prescribed Rudraksha beads strung in gold. I have worn them since then, but I have wondered what that could have been a prescription for? Do you have some idea? I have been curious ever since. Thanks Vaidya replies: Dear Jeffrey: the terms “rudraksha” comes from […]