Can we occasionally use it as soy sauce substitute – Coconut Aminos: Dear Divya: Occasionally perhaps, but keeping in mind that it will be pitta aggravating because it goes through heavy processing and derivation. If aggravating pitta is not a concern then by all means it is preferable over regular soy sauce. Pitta dosha […]
Is it ok to cook Avocados?
“Dear Vaidyaji, Is it OK to cook Avocados or it should be had raw always? Thanks, Pavithra” Vaidya replies: Dear Pavithra: cooking avocados is not a good idea because avocado oil and other nutrients in avocado are very heat sensitive. However, raw avocado has a lot of soma, and if your digestive agni is low […]
Chyawanprash; 52 Herbs for daily detox and rejuvenation
The Rishi and The Princess The intriguing story of Rishi Chyawan is documented in the ancient epic tale of India, the Mahabharata. Rishi Chyawan was a great seer. He was fully enlightened and thus carried no desires in his heart, except for union with the cosmic divine. It is said that he sat immobile, his […]
Introducing a perfectly delicious and healthy potato substitute called: Nagaimo.
Vaidya Mishra: “It is found in almost all Asian grocery stores. A lot of people following the SVA diet are missing potatoes in their cooking. Lorna Cheng, a scientist and SVA healer who follows and recommends the SVA diet in her teachings, brought the Nagaimo vegetable to me to check whether I could approve it […]