The Rishi and The Princess The intriguing story of Rishi Chyawan is documented in the ancient epic tale of India, the Mahabharata. Rishi Chyawan was a great seer. He was fully enlightened and thus carried no desires in his heart, except for union with the cosmic divine. It is said that he sat immobile, his […]
Sweet & Spicy broccoli with Protein
August 7, 2014 by Leave a Comment
Ingredients 8 oz of chopped or sliced broccoli 2 oz of cubed paneer (or if you are not vegetarian, boiled/cooked chicken breast pieces) 2 oz of chopped celery ½ teaspoon of turmeric 1 teaspoon ghee (or grape-seed oil) 1 teaspoon of olive oil Soma salt per taste 1 tablespoon of SVA Mango Orange Chutney 6 […]