Dear Vaidya Mishra, We are so blessed and humbled to receive SVA knowledge and guidance from you. Thank you so much for guiding our family and friends in a happy journey of well and whole being. We treasure all of the SVA teas and especially love Vaidya’s Cup. Would you please let us know if […]
Is it ok to cook Avocados?
“Dear Vaidyaji, Is it OK to cook Avocados or it should be had raw always? Thanks, Pavithra” Vaidya replies: Dear Pavithra: cooking avocados is not a good idea because avocado oil and other nutrients in avocado are very heat sensitive. However, raw avocado has a lot of soma, and if your digestive agni is low […]
Kulthi and Weight Loss
“Hi I just want to know about kulthi. Does it help you to lose weight? How long does it take to lose weight? How much can you lose weight in a month? Do you know anyone who lost weight by eating kulthi? Any information will be greatly appreciated Many Thanks Alia” Dear Alia: weight […]
What’s in your Salt?
Thousands of years ago the Vedic Rishis (enlightened sages or seers of ancient India), from which all Ayurvedic knowledge and wisdom was derived, identified and confirmed the existence of six tastes. Lavana, or salty taste is an important one, very commonly used, but the least understood. It contains a unique combination of both soma and […]