Vaidya Mishra: “It is found in almost all Asian grocery stores. A lot of people following the SVA diet are missing potatoes in their cooking. Lorna Cheng, a scientist and SVA healer who follows and recommends the SVA diet in her teachings, brought the Nagaimo vegetable to me to check whether I could approve it and add it to the SVA diet. I researched it and tried and tested it myself, and found that it is the perfect healthy substitute for potato. When you peel and boil it, it tastes and looks 100% like potatoes, but even better than that, it is lighter and easier to digest, because it has a completely different chemical and nutrient make-up.
Here is a breakdown of various nutrients found in nagaimo:
Vitamin C
Vitamin B1
Dietary Fiber
Just touching and looking at nagaimo, you will notice like I did that it has a lot of mucilage – slimy residue. The good news is this is a perfect prebiotic for the body. Asian cuisine loves this vegetable and is aware of its therapeutic properties. I created different recipes, using my new SVA Garcinia Masala blends – they were all very good. I would like to share them with you.
Caution: the peel carries some skin irritating chemicals, make sure you wrap in a towel or paper towel while peeling them, or even better, wear some clinical gloves (available at Target’s pharmacy etc) to avoid getting a rash. Do not touch any other body parts after touching the vegetable. If you get a skin irritation, rinse the affected area with fresh water, wipe, and apply a moisturizing cream.
The overall feeling, after eating nagaimo, is that it is very nurturing even though light, and it readily creates bliss with nourishment. A lot of on-line Japanese recipes are recommending we eat it raw. In my opinion eating this vegetable raw can create ama. Because of its high content of mucilage, nagaimo will be heavy to digest for certain people in certain situation. That is why it is best to cook it with Garcinia Masala because this spice blends makes it easier to digest, easy to absorb, and more palatable and flavorful. You will never crave potatoes again!
Spice-coated toasted crunchy Nagaimo
Peel and then chop the naigamo into medium size cubes
Boil in 2 cups of water; do not cook thoroughly only half way so that the nagaimo does not become mushy.
In a pan, add 1 teaspoon of ghee and 1 teaspoon of vata, kapha or pitta garcinia masala -based on your need.
Add 1/8 teaspoon of soma salt, ¼ teaspoon of turmeric.
Sautee these spices altogether for a few minutes.
Add the 2 cups of nagaimo cooked half way and sauté with spices.
you can add 3-4 curry leaves and 1 green chili.
Stir and cook for ten minutes.
Make sure it is thoroughly cooked so that spices are well absorbed.
After cooking garnish with finely chopped cilantro leaf and enjoy!
Mashed potato substitute
Peel and boil nagaimo in 2 cups of water. Boil until it is very soft and mushy.
Then in a pan sauté in 1 teaspoon of ghee, 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric, 1 teaspoon of Garcinia Masala for vata, pitta or kapha, ½ teaspoon of cumin seeds, 1 tablespoon of any nuts of choice (like pine nuts, shredded almonds, bits of cashews} toast all together.
Optional ingredients: Add 4 curry leaves and/or green chilies.
Toast altogether and add your boiled Nagaimo.
Mash it well with all spices and stir. Toast everything again together for a few minutes.
Add ½ lime juice and 1 teaspoon of olive oil and Soma Salt to taste.
Nagaimo in a spicy sauce
Peel and cut medium sized cubes of nagaimo.
In 8 oz. of water boil nagaimo half way cooked.
Sauté 1 tablespoon of ghee, 2 crushed green cardamoms and 2 crushed black cardamoms, ¼ of crushed cinnamon, ¼ teaspoon of cumin seeds, 1 teaspoon of garcinia masala of your choice, ¼ of turmeric, ¼ teaspoon of soma salt
After sautéing spices for a few minutes add the half boiled nagaimo. Stir and toast everything together. Toast nicely so it is cooked well.
Add 8 oz of water to the pan. Cover and cook for ten minutes. This is a nice juicy recipe for nagaimo.