Nutritional yeast: I know it’s not a sattvic ingredient, but I sometimes feel really good when I eat it, maybe because of my acute vitamin B12 deficiency? Dear Divya: nutritional yeast is pitta provoking in longterm use. You will get all kinds of pitta associated symptoms of heat, and even vata aggravation if you […]
Is it ok to cook Avocados?
“Dear Vaidyaji, Is it OK to cook Avocados or it should be had raw always? Thanks, Pavithra” Vaidya replies: Dear Pavithra: cooking avocados is not a good idea because avocado oil and other nutrients in avocado are very heat sensitive. However, raw avocado has a lot of soma, and if your digestive agni is low […]
The Benefits of Iron for Health through SV Ayurveda
Iron is an important necessary ingredient in our blood. But do you specifically know how many ailments and imbalances it can address? Long before we could scientifically study the importance of iron for our body’s overall health, its health benefits were already well known by the ancient sages. One 16th century text called “Rasa Tarangini” […]
“Lights On!” Inside and Out: Total SVA Eye Care with Marma and Ayurvedic Herbs
Without our eyes we would not only not see the world we live in, but we would also not be connected to our inner light, says Vaidya Mishra. Our “inner light” is our “satwa,” the incandescent source that keeps us connected to cosmic life. In SVA, we learn that the physical eyes are the gateway […]