“I read online that for pitta people, particularly in the summer time, in order to keep things cool, bitter things are good. So I ordered a bitter ghee preparation called “pancha tikta ghritam” and I started using it on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. I immediately developed nausea and felt like I […]
This Summer, Make More Ojas to Keep Pitta in Check!
“Hi! Am having a tough time with dehydration/cooling off this summer. Wondering if there is a pitta pacifying product I can add to my water to help with this. I had been adding lemon juice, but a friend told me it aggravates pitta. Is this true? Anyway, thanks! Tamara K.” Vaidya Mishra responds: Dear […]
Balance Pitta Without Aggravating Vata
“Greetings, Which one of your tea formulas is most appropriate for morning tea before breakfast? I am a pita with slight vata imbalance. LOVE every product I ever purchased from you, except the Triphala ghee, the aroma is unpleasant to me. Thank you Alan” Dear Alan: you should start your day with SVA Pitta […]
“Lights On!” Inside and Out: Total SVA Eye Care with Marma and Ayurvedic Herbs
Without our eyes we would not only not see the world we live in, but we would also not be connected to our inner light, says Vaidya Mishra. Our “inner light” is our “satwa,” the incandescent source that keeps us connected to cosmic life. In SVA, we learn that the physical eyes are the gateway […]