“I read online that for pitta people, particularly in the summer time, in order to keep things cool, bitter things are good. So I ordered a bitter ghee preparation called “pancha tikta ghritam” and I started using it on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. I immediately developed nausea and felt like I […]
Is Bitter Better for Pacifying Pitta?
Filed Under: 2015, Archives, Featured Products, Health & Nutrition, Knowledge, Q & A Tagged With: agni, bitter, bitter ghee, ghee, juicy fruits, pacifies, pitta, rasas, rose
Why Oil yourself for Detox?
The ancient ayurvedic sages knew that a lot of toxins are lipid soluble. Without the availability of our modern technology they understood that many toxins settle their residence in the fat tissue and gets carried and dispersed through the fat molecules. In this sense, the fat tissue and fat molecules of the body easily become […]