Black Sesame Seed Oil: Next Best Thing After Ghee – for All?

“Dear Vaidya, What about cold pressed (black) sesame oil, Caraka mentions this as next best after ghee?  Martin” Vaidya Answers:  Dear Martin: yes, this is a good question you raise, as the Charak Samhita states that the next best thing after ghee – in case one cannot consume ghee – is cold pressed black sesame […]

MCT, Coconut, or Ghee?

“Dear Vaidya: My students have been asking me about this relatively new product glorified as being very healthy. I’d be very grateful to get your opinion on it: I’ve never used it myself: Thank you! Divya A.” Vaidya responds: Dear Divya, MCT vs LCT: Sometimes more is less! This new tendency to prefer oils […]

Is Bitter Better for Pacifying Pitta?

“I read online that for pitta people, particularly in the summer time, in order to keep things cool, bitter things are good. So I ordered a bitter ghee preparation called “pancha tikta ghritam” and I started using it on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. I immediately developed nausea and felt like I […]

Questions about cinnamon, salt, electronic toothbrushes and more!

Hi, I just watched the oral care video and learned a lot. And I just gargled with coconut oil and my mouth and mind feel wonderful. I wonder what Vaidya’s thoughts are about electric toothbrushes and waterpixs. Since they are electric near the mucous membrane, I am guessing he would not want the body to […]