designed to support the intelligence of the channels. When combined with turmeric, you will not only keep the detox process ongoing, but you will also give a boost to your immunity. The proper use of turmeric in the diet supports the liver and its functions, and the liver is the primary detox organ. When your liver is detoxing as it should, your cellular system detox will also be optimal, then fighting against seasonal colds, the flu, or other infections becomes very easy.
Click to watch Vaidya Mishra’s videos on turmeric:
Namaste Sir,
I had question regarding trumeric use. I get raw ,soft, fresh termeric fingers from our local indian grocery stores and usually cut them in small pieces and boil them in milk. My six years old daughter is recently diagnosed with mild asthma, i am extremely worried. I heard that Turmeric is good, so i started giving her turmeric milk before bed. Is it okay to use turmeric like that and what else you recommend for her. We live in Vancouver , Canada its a cold place.
Many thanks
Dear Amandeep: raw turmeric is very heating for the liver with long term use, specially the way you are using it. You see, turmeric has to be processed and cured in order to be fully ok for human consumption on a daily basis. The curing process involves soaking the raw turmeric in edible limeston water and rinsing then boiling then dehydrating, etc. It is a lengthy and time-consuming process. I have given the method for how to process it properly elsewhere on my blog if you wish to do it; otherwise, I recommend that you purchase our turmeric from We purchase raw turmeric, process it ourselves, and then grind it in small batches as we sell the powder, to ensure the highest quality of this highly healthful spice.