“Namaskar guruji, Could you please help my daughter? She is gaining weight, having severe hair fall and always complaining about acidity and indigestion and throat infection. Now she is having pcod problem also. She is 26 years old. Last year only she got married. Please suggest some good medicine for her problems. Vit B12 deficiency […]
SVA Summer hair tips
At the end of summer, the increased and accumulated heat in the environment and our bodies maintains our channels wide open and our physiology gets to release a lot of fat soluble toxins through sweat as well as the scalp. This is a desirable natural detox, but most of the time, the toxins that are […]
A question about hair loss…
Neha “Sir, I have too much hair fall and an unhealthy scalp ever since I shifted to Dubai after marriage. White deposits on my scalp don’t go with any dandruff shampoo and hair fall out in bunches now whenever I do head wash. Please suggest some remedy. Thanks” Vaidya Replies: Dear Neha: your condition may […]