To PK or not to PK?! – Part 1 & Part 2


Do-it-yourself-SVA-PK: 7-Tissue 7 Week Detox Plan for SVA Home PK

Part 1

“Pancha-karma,” from the original Sanskrit, means “five actions.”  This ancient ayurvedic protocol is a cleansing procedure that aims at flushing out accumulated toxins from the seven physical tissues, and pacifying aggravated doshas. Panchakarma, or PK, typically involves a daily full body warm oil massage and herbal steaming, all the while following a light diet – generally consisting of khichari – overcooked mung beans & rice. The actual evacuation of toxins & doshas is accomplished through the five actions of: basti, or enema; nasya, or nasal oleation; virechana, or purgation; vamana, or therapeutic emesis; rakta moksha, or therapeutic bloodletting.  Not all five actions are performed for each individual, especially vamana and rakta moksha.

As the ancient ayurvedic texts recommend, PK is a time-tested way to stay healthy and balanced and well-worth the expense of undergoing on a seasonal or yearly basis. Or is it?!

Panchakarma has officially captured not just the western imagination, gaining global acclaim, but it has re-ignited an avid interest in its land of origin, India, as well. Japan, Australia, and a number of Central and South American countries also boast of numerous high-end panchakarma facilities, offering combined resort and detox travel packages, making PK the ultimate relaxation and get-away destination. In fact, PK has become so well-known that it has become nearly synonymous with Ayurveda: when one mentions Ayurveda, one seems to understand it consists primarily of Panchakarma. Yet Ayurveda has so much more to offer beyond and above Panchakarma, in terms of short and long term daily routines, lifestyle tips, as well as advanced herbal medicinal regimens and other advanced protocols.

Many of my clients come back from their panchakarma detox journeys from US cities or from around the world, specially from Kerala, the PK destination of choice in India. Usually, post-PK, everything feels and looks great, perhaps up to a couple of weeks. Individuals report feeling relaxed, lighter, elated, sleeping better, and functioning better overall with more energy. But more often than not, that’s not the case. More often than not, they come to see me because they develop post-PK complications. Lucky are the ones whose symptoms can be addressed safely with SV Ayurveda. Sometimes, I have to tell them to make an appointment with their medical doctors. PK should be and could be the ultimate enjoyable, relaxing process to reset the physiology to a more optimum state. So what goes wrong? I don’t even have to get feedback from my clients, nowadays, it is easy to find some on the world wide web. Here, for example, is a testimonial of one PK experience in South India:

“There is no case by case practice anymore, what proved to be effective on a scope of patients hundreds of years ago ought to work as well now, but the world has changed and the patients are all very unique individuals, but the Vaidya’s at “this” […] clinic don’t seem to understand that.” (name withheld)

This testimonial goes to the heart of the matter with modern PK services and packages – there is never a cookie-cut protocol that can be used for all individuals at all times, this is the primary rule of thumb of Ayurveda to start with. But in the pursuit of marketing margins, this most essential structural detail of Ayurveda gets lost. This, in addition to the other crucial factor: it is stated very clearly in Ayurveda that protocols need to suit the modern times. So the ayurvedic practitioner needs to adjust the protocols to suit the needs of the modern times and the modern physiology. Here, in my experience, are the things that are wrong with modern day PK offerings and treatments.

Eleven Issues with Traditional (regular) Panchakarma  

1. Improper preparation of the major detox channels/pathways. This includes the skin, colon, kidneys, bladder, and urethra. Attention to the physical and vibrational channels is more often than not overlooked and ignored. SVA pays special attention to this dimension, unlike mainstream Ayurveda.

2. Not using binders to aid in evacuation of amavisha (hot, reactive toxins) – another major distinction between mainstream and SV Ayurveda.

3. No method used to coordinate the nadis (vibrational channels) with the detox srotas (physical channels.)

4. PK often done inadequately because of improper diagnosis and identification of problem source.  Toxins become stuck ‘half-way’ in the organs.

5. Lack of post PK rasayana (rejuvenation) therapeutic modalities;

6. Heavy metals used after and/or during PK – in the form of herbal preparations;

7. Castor oil used in excessive quantities for virechan, purgation;

8. Lack of discrimination on who should receive PK.  Doing PK on people who are physically unfit or weak, lack of bala, or too sick to receive it; or done on people with good bala but have low sanghanan, or endurance;

9. Same materials & methods are used without discrimination for the Western physiology,  as originally prescribed for the Indian physiology, when there are such drastic differences in terms of diet and lifestyle that call for totally different protocols for each body type;

10. Improper temperature control on oils used for shirodhara, pizzachili, sweda pinda; excess temperatures – sometimes too low sometimes too high – during svedana, or steaming;

11. Providing the same diet for all during PK.  Not enough variation in diet based on individual needs of the person going through PK.

So, you will understand how these points and concerns make PK a “risky business” to be considered engaging in with great caution. That being said, I am not against properly administered PK.  PK was not practiced much, if at all, in the area of my ancestral village nor was it taught in my Ayurvedic college.  My father, Vaidya Kameshwar Mishra, however, wanted me to be a “complete Vaidya!” He wanted me to master all aspects of ayurvedic training. This is why, during my seven-year internship with him, he sent me to Tamil Nadu in the South of India, where PK is very much practiced. There, I studied and practiced all their PK protocols and techniques.  Thus, I have witnessed first-hand the good and the bad effects of panchakarma.

What can you expect from properly conducted PK retreats?

Benefits of Authentic Panchakarma 

• Great tool for deeper detox and rejuvenation

• Maintains health by addressing seasonal imbalances

• Supports extended improved lifestyles by addressing chronic conditions effectively

• Cleanses and rejuvenates organs/systems

• Increases an individual’s tolerance to allopathic medicines and protocols – allowing for lesser side-effect complications

• Helps gain or lose weight – as per need

• Enhances mind-body coordination

• Breaks down & removes calcification toxic build-up from the body that generates inflammatory conditions

• Enhances coordination between dhi, dhriti, and smriti – distinct functions of the brain and mental activities

• Reduces inflammation and inflammatory conditions overall

• Coordinates interaction between the nadis and srotas – physical and vibrational channels

• Increases the intelligence of the endocrine system

• Modulates the body’s pH

• Rejuvenates the 7 physical tissues by reducing and/or eliminating their toxic load

• Boosts Ojas – the neurotransmitters that the brain thrives on

• Effectively evacuates toxins: ama, amavisha, and garvisha

• Helps stop further formation and accumulation of toxins

• Slows down and reverses the aging process

Once again, due to the eleven reasons elaborated above, I have seen many victims of PK that received PK treatments either here and/or in India. This is one of the reasons why I put together an advanced 7 Week Tissue 7 Week Detox Plan.

Comparison of Traditional (regular) PK with SVA Advanced 7 Tissue, 7 Week Detox Plan

1. Prepping the Physiology: The shastras, ancient vedic texts, detail an entire section called ‘purvakarma.’   Purvakarma is all about meticulously preparing the macro srota and micro nadi channels to safely set the body to completely eliminate the toxins.  In SVA, we do three things to prepare the srotas, physical channels:

a. Lubricate the channels

b. Open the channels

c. Increase the selective intelligence of channels, so channels absorb useful molecules and eliminates toxic wastes and malas, by-products.

The skin is our largest detox organ, with the bladder, colon, & kidneys.  Regular PK does not prepare these organs to release heavy duty toxins.  Symptoms from improper evacuation of toxins will appear in the long run. SVA prepares the organs with specific herbs to increase their strength, endurance, and intelligence to carry out toxins safely.

2. Binders: Typical mainstream PK does not offer the use of any binders, other than ghee.  But ghee is not always adequate. Proper binders neutralize amavisha, reactive toxins.  SVA makes sure all macro and micro toxins and malas are bound for safe, speedy evacuation.  For example, in SVA, I use mucilaginous substances like okra, taro root, and psyllium.  We also employ Marshmallow root and Slippery elm in herbal teas, as well as my extensive range of Herbal-Memory Nectar drops.

3. Addressing Evacuation and Space: In mainstream PK people often get vata aggravated, especially vyana vata (governing overall circulation.)  Why? Detox creates a ‘vacuum:’ wherever toxins are removed there is a space created. If that empty space is not addressed, in creates an imbalance in Vata dosha. In PK, toxins are evacuated from almost all the channels.  So Vyana, found all over body, is the first subdosha that can get aggravated by the sudden empty spaces.  As a result, individuals will experience body aches and pains during and/or after PK.  We know through SVA that detox needs immense amounts of pranic flow from the marma points to circulate the prana to the whole body. Through SVA protocols, we know to fill those empty spaces immediately with more prana by insuring that the main nadi, Sushumna, is well-connected with the master marma points such as the Adipathi marma, as well as Shirogriva marma points, as well as others.  By addressing these marma points, we ensure the full unobstructed flow and circulation of prana to all organs and systems and to the deepest areas of the cellular system.

4. “Stuck toxins” are a genuine concern in regular PK programs.  I have seen people suffering much with pain in their kidneys, liver, bladder, and colon, after PK due to stuck toxins! A toxin is stuck when the technician does not know or is not capable of effectively and fully removing toxic accumulation from an area or an organ. It could be stuck due to distinct reasons: clogged channels; local damage; improper binding for removal; etc.  Stuck toxins in these organs create pain and they are difficult to remove completely. Evacuating stuck toxins creates greater wear-and-tear that is harder to address after the fact.

5. Post PK rejuvenation:  Many people, and sadly to say many PK centers, do not understand thougoughly the three separate interrelated steps of PK – purvakarma, or preparation; pradhanakarma, or main therapy; and paschatkarma, or post rejuvenation and pacification. Paschatkarma pacifies (shamana) any dosha aggravated by the main therapy and gradually rejuvenates the person (rasayana) after PK.  Whenever paschatkarma is ignored or done inadequately, the patient will have aggravated doshas and lingering fatigue.

6. Heavy metals present a special problem to people receiving PK in India.  Many PK clinics there use heavy metal preparations for rejuvenation.  Most, if not all of these heavy metal preparations are not made according to the strict methods laid down in the ancient shastras.   Thus, they are highly toxic.  Symptoms, though, make take years to develop and appear.  But sooner or later, symptoms will surely surface.  I have seen PK victims with symptoms of heavy metal poisoning many times in my career.  SVA does not use any heavy metal formulations at all.

7. Castor oil is used by almost all PK spas/centers/clinics to purge the colon.  Castor oil is a very powerful purgative; however, few if any consider the fact that it can be highly neurotoxic when consumed in large quantities. Excess or repeated use of castor oil in PK can and does cause dysfunctional colon, including Diverticulitis.  In SVA, we do not use castor oil.  SVA provides safer means to awaken the intelligence of the colon to eliminate toxins released during cleansing. See, for example, on my blog, the following article:  SVA Colon-care-tailored-suit-individual-body-type

8. Pre-PK Evaluation: As mentioned, many PK centers take in all comers indiscriminately, withour evaluating bala (physical strength), or sanghanan (stamina), arjunta (allergies), agnibala (power of assimilation), or without doing kostha pariksha (understanding of the personal bowel tendencies.)   The shastras tell us that we must evaluate all these parameters prior to starting PK.  SVA assesses these parameters, including testing all our materials for potential allergic reactions and/or complications.

9. Ethnicity as well as cultural background of the PK client is another crucial point we must consider before devising a treatment protocol.  Skin type, as well as other distinctions based on ethnicity must be considered for proper, effective and safe treatments.  In India, for example, PK massage is principally done with unfiltered sesame oil and, in some cases, mustard oil.  For most fair-skinned people of European or Caucasian ancestry, these oils can be highly irritating physiologically and psychologically.  SVA marma & massage technicians, Medical doctors and chiropractors know how to tailor treatments for specific ethnic backgrounds.

10. Temperature Control: Many times, sad to say, Indian PK centers have no concept of temperature control!  I have personally seen and also heard testimonials on people getting skin burns from PK oil treatments.

11. The PK diet must be based on cultural and individual needs. For example, some people can’t handle the spices used in the typical PK fare.  In general, individuals receiving PK at a specific clinic are all offered the same diet accross the board.  In SVA, we use specific foods & spices for each person based on dietary habits, and needs: agni bala, tissue agnis, and the overall bala or strength of their kostha, or digestive tract.  In addition, many PK centers tend to go for all and only vegetarian meals.  Many Westerners are accustomed to eating meat in their daily diet for years and even for generations in their family.  Eating only vegetables, pulses, and rice served during most PK often causes their vata dosha to go inordinately high, creating undue stress on their bodies and hindering the detox protocols.  They become weak during PK and it takes them a lot of time to recover after their program.  Abruptly altering a typical diet for a vegetarian PK diet can actually interfere with the detoxification process.  Detox requires energy.  A body in a weakened state is ‘reluctant’ to eliminate toxins.  Detox energy is not sufficient and the body instinctively holds on to any material to satisfy its need for energy and strength, and in doing so it may even hold on to or retain the existing toxins.  SVA recommends diets appropriate for the individual, and replaces the evacuated micro toxins with micro nutrients.  Many times, for the Western physiology, the Green-Protein recipe with chicken is recommended for the 7-tissue detox program.  Green Protein gives lightness for detox combined with grounding, strengthening non-veg protein.  We also sometimes recommend chicken bone marrow broth.

In conclusion, it would not be an exaggeration if I said that Panchakarma is probably a unique time-tested most efficient way to maintain overall health and address imbalances resulting from daily wear and tear, as well as seasonal changes and doshic accumulations. It can also be a great tool for addressing complicated chronic conditions. However, you now understand that your PK destination needs to be properly and fully investigated before indulging in its protocols. For those of you who do not wish to take the risk, or who can simply also not afford it, as it can get pricy, I have put together a SVA Home PK Protocol that you can safely adopt without disrupting your daily life. It addresses all of the issues we have discussed thus far.  We take care by using safe and effective herbal transdermal creams, herbal waters, and herbal transmucosal drops. My home program awakens the intelligence of the body to safely release and evacuate toxins without using any heavy-duty raw or toxic herbs.




Do-it-yourself SVA PK: The 7-Tissue, 7-Week Home Detox Plan


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Two weeks ago, in our SVA Newsletter (June 24, 2016 No. 24, Vol. 6), I discussed the numerous pros and cons of panchakarma (PK) as traditionally practiced in India and nowadays in PK centers all over the world.  If you missed that issue, you can find it on my blog:


Today, I would like to pick up where I left off and give you practical tips.


However, you now understand that your PK destination needs to be properly and fully investigated. For those of you who do not wish to take the risk, or who can simply also not afford it, as it can get pricy, I have put together a SVA Home PK Protocol that you can safely adopt without disrupting your daily life. It addresses all of the issues we have discussed thus far.  We take care by using safe and effective herbal transdermal creams, transdermal massage oils, herbal waters, and a tailored SVA diet.  My home program awakens the intelligence of the body to safely release and evacuate toxins without using any heavy-duty raw or toxic herbs. Of course, it is nice and sometimes much needed to get away, be in a new context, it helps unwind and gives a break from stressful hardened daily routines, specially if you do not live alone. However, the flip side needs to be considered as well: if you cannot find a good spa resort where you can trust the PK they will be administering, you’re better off planning and organizing things for yourself at home. Here’s why.


The SVA Home PK Detox plan/program is simple and easy without compromising efficacy.  Depending on how well you follow this plan, you can, in just seven weeks, get the same or better results as you would at a shorter duration, but riskier, traditional PK center.  This plan can even be followed without leaving your job and other worldly responsibilities.  This is how it works:  For seven weeks, try to simplify your daily dietary and activity routines as much as you can.  This is your time to make well-being top priority.  Avoid unnecessary stress and make sure you don’t miss your own scheduled down-time.  Eat on time, eat good food, evacuate on time, get more rest during the day, and by all means go to bed early during this program.  Minimize TV, cell-phones, unnecessarily computer work, and other distractions.  Other than that, there are only a few other things.  But, these things are essential to follow.  Each point on its own is deceptively simple.  But all put together, you get a powerful yet gentle enough protocol that will initiate the evacuation of accumulated toxins from the deeper cellular system.  Remember: slow and steady wins the race.


Steps of the 7-Tissue, 7-Week Detox Plan for SVA Home PK


Step One: Read my “Home Detox Manual with Recipes” and watch my “SVA Home Detox DVD.”


Timing: schedule your home cleanse when the weather is not extreme – neither too cold nor too hot.  Proper detox requires that the srotas (channels) be open, dilated.  The srotas do not like extreme temperature changes.  The channels are very “intelligent.” They respond immediately to climate change. When temperatures fall, channels shrink and narrow. When temperatures rise, channels dilate and relax allowing for fuller flow. So schedule your home PK for when the weather is stable over the duration of the plan – don’t do it in early Spring, or early Fall when things are shifting from one season to the other with repeated changes).  Generally speaking, mid-Autumn and late Spring are the best time.  You can do this gentle program in summer if – and this is important – you are not too much heat sensitive, if you can tolerate high heat.  I Do Not recommend to do this program in the winter.


Food: You will be taking a simple diet consisting mainly of khichari (split mung dhal and basmati rice.)  Khichari will be the staple of your plan.  Unlike regular PK, you can and should also eat a variety of vegetables and round out your diet with other grains listed below.


Daily Foods/Spices/Grains to Support Your Energy and Cleansing


• Khichari:  This is your staple food to eat every day.  Light and nutritious, khichari is perfect for home detox.  It consists of split yellow mung & basmati rice.  Always choose organic dhal and rice.  Cook well with ample Mum’s Ghee, Soma Salt, & your specific Garcinia Masala (see below.)


• Mooli (white-daikon radishes) – in the ratio of 50% along with Asparagus 50%


• Mum’s Ghee (increase your daily intake of ghee by 20% for internal oleation)


• SVA Moringa Leaf Soup Mix:  Moringa is a very special vegetable because it not only gives excellent nutrition, but also has wonderful prabhava (post-digestive subtle qualities) for detoxification. Moringa is not always easy to find fresh, or even frozen, so you can use my  SVA Moringa Leaf Soup Mix – this is a fast and effective way to get the benefits of moringa as a tasty soup.  Consume daily during your detox program.


• Use only Soma Salt (other salt will cause toxins retentions of toxins instead of facilitating elimination)


• Virgin Cold-pressed Olive Oil is a good oil, in addition to Mum’s Ghee, for cooking your veggetables


• Besides rice in khichari, you can eat separately quinoa, barley, rye, and millet.  Choose a different grain for different days so that you do not get bored and keep things lively enough for your senses and not fall off the program!


• Fruits for afternoon snacks: if you are sugar sensitive in any way, favor low-glycemic blue berries, kiwi, and cherries.  If you are not sugar sensitive, you can add fresh plums and figs – these help elimination, alternately you can also use dry prunes and figs, but soak them overnight before eating so you ease up their digestibility


• Yellow squash and green zucchini, as well lauki (from Indian or Asian grocery stores) will be your best friends during your cleanse


• Well-cooked okra (not raw/crunchy) and taro root.  These act as sure-fire binders for the mobilized reactive toxins, amavisha. Incorporate these daily into one of your meals.


• Garcinia Masala: Based upon your doshic constitution and season, use either Garcinia Masala for Vata, Garcinia Masala for Pitta, or Garcinia Masala for Kapha


• Green Protein with Chicken:  Non-vegetarians needing and accustomed to eating meat can eat – during the week (not on weekend) – Green Protein prepared with Organic Chicken.  Watch the YouTube video and refer to page 31 of the Home Detox Manual.  You may substitute chicken for the paneer and use the Garcinia Masala of choice.  Green Protein on YouTube


• SVA Instant Vegan High-Protein Powder:  Use this daily.  This will support your bala (strength) during the cleanse. Find out which high-protein recipe is most suited for you Vegan High-Protein Powder Recipes.  If you are using protein powder with yoghurt (pro-biotic support) recipes, have it only at lunch.  Do not have yoghurt for dinner. The instant Vegan Protein powder will not only give you easy-to-digest protein, but will also supply your body with mucilage to help with elimination.


• *Optional Chicken bone-marrow broth: If you feel like your immune system is low, if you are experiencing persistent allergies and hyper-sensitivity to change of seasons, you may need additional support in the bone tissue.  You can support your majja (bone marrow) by eating bone-marrow soup every other day.   Find the easy recipe at the end of this article.  Alternately, if you are vegetarian, you can have the Green Protein recipe to support your immunity.


Other Points on Diet:  Eat on time.  Use less salt than normal (even Soma Salt.)  If your calf muscles feel stiff even before starting your detox, then toxins may be stuck in them.  In which case, alternate cooking one day with Shroto Shudhi Masala and the next day with Garcinia Masala. Also add this herbal tea to your daily routine – drink morning and afternoon: bring 8oz of water to boil, add 1-2 tablespoons of coriander seeds and bring to a boil (3-5 minutes); take off the heat, filter, and add 3-5 fresh mint leaves and drink. If you don’t have fresh mint leaves, you can use a teabag of peppermint – don’t boil it, just dip into your filtered tea for 5 minutes and remove and drink.


Dinacharya (Daily routine supporting the detox) 


• Maintain a regular, easy routine.  No stress. Try to finish your stressfull workload before taking on your detox. Finish the big projects and make sure your days will be a little ligther in terms of responsibilities. Make time for your body to unwind. Make sure to schedule some fun stuff you like to do during your detox – watch comedies, do some light creative activity – playing music, writing, etc; or listen to some uplifting spiritual talks, etc. Your thoughts will help retain or release toxins – doing some uplifting activities will help you let go of emotional and mental stressful memories and these will in turn release blockages in and from your body…


• Samadhi Set daily before meditation/prayer/yoga.  Also, apply Mahamarma Oil on Adhipati Marma  Samadhi Set Protocols


• Swipe the entire spine top to bottom, if possible every night, with either Flex ‘n Flow Cream, or alternately swipe with DGL Transdermal first, followed by SuperSport Transdermal formula (you may use either roll-on or transdermal cream.)  If applying to yourself, swipe as much of the low back as possible – always go in top to bottom movement.


• Self-Massage every other day. The skin is one of the best and largest organs of detox. Your skin is a living breathing organ that absorbs nutrients (and toxins if exposed to them) and releases unwanted particles through sweat. So you can see how self-massage (abhyanga) with a good herbal oil blend is essential. It not only supplies transdermal detoxification for the whole body through the skin, but re-enlivens the skin’s intelligence and supports it – the skin is our barrier against the world where good and bad elements co-exist! When doing abhyanga, focus especially on the lower legs, below the knees.  This will help make sure that the flow of vata downwards and out is regulated and maintained – preventing vata (air and space elements) from moving abnormally upwards in your body. Massage your entire body every other day as per the instructions, using a massage oil appropriate for your physiology and the season as described in Abhyanga and Transdermal Benefits 


• SVA Bath Pouches.  Massage and bath constitute transdermal detox.  Ample toxins will be evacuated transdermally (via the skin.) Use my bath pouches 2 x weekly – once during the week and once on a weekend day.  Vata & Kapha predominant types should use my Detox & Relax Bath Pouches.  These pouches have magnesium (yogavahi) for deeper penetration and will activate the intelligence of the detox channels to release a lot of toxins via the skin.  Pitta types should use only the milder SVA Rasayana Bath Pouches.  Everyone should read Bathe to Detox  Caution: Detoxing with these pouches can cause loss of electrolytes.  If you feel inordinately weak and thirsty after bathing, you MUST make the rehydration drink (pg. 46 of Home Detox Manual) on the day you use the pouches. You may also drink some before bath.  Don’t wait until you feel dehydrated. To make things easier, prepare the drink and set it aside ready for you to drink once you finish your bath.


• Sleep.  Nothing will support your detox program like going to bed before or by 9 PM.  Should you need sleep support, use one or all – up to five options exist – products from the Soma Nidra group. The oral spray, the transdermal roll-on or cream, or the herbal tea, or even the aroma oil. They will all help induce calm and silence your senses so your body can go into restorative sleep. You can prep your bedroom for sleep by putting the Soma Nidra Aroma oil in a diffuser an hour or so before you go to bed. Dim the lights, and make sure the air in your bedroom is fresh without being cold.


• Eat on time.  Skipping or delaying meals will produce additional toxic load. Your body follows the cycles of the sun in terms of its readiness to digest and metabolize food. This means that, even though sometimes you don’t feel hungry, if it is anywhere between 11am and 2pm, your stomach has already released digestive enzymes in preparation of food you might be ingesting. When, due to stress or other factors, you do not eat your lunch at that time, you are allowing those acidic digestive enzymes to go unused and create an acidic environment in your stomach. Overtime, if you make it a habit to skip or delay your meals, the acidic stomach conditions will go to further aggravate adjoining organs and organ systems, resulting in greater generalized imbalances and eventually chronic symptoms and a full blow condition. So when you are not hungry, eat at least a slice of fruit, or a handful of soaked or salted spicy nuts, or have a drink of the Vegan Protein Powder with 1/4 tsp shredded fresh ginger and lime to entice your appetite into having a full meal.


• Nasya each day with the appropriate SVA Nasya Oil.  Nasya is shirovirechena (detoxification for the head & throat regions.)  Nasya cleans the mind, sinuses, & respiratory tract. Choose one of my nasya oils based on Daily Nasal Hygiene


• Oral detoxification.  During SVA Home PK the whole body is detoxifying and these toxins can reflect to the oral cavity.  Sometimes you see more tongue coating during home PK – don’t distress. This is a good sign!  This shows that oral cavity is detoxifying water & oil soluble toxins coming from channels all over the body. Support this process with my SVA Oral Care Products, especially the Gandusha Oil Pulling Oil and Mukh Shudhi Oral Mists.  Water & Lipid Soluble Gandusha.  If you have history of dental amalgams, also select and use the Rasa Sodhaka products: Oral Mercury Toxicity  Use a silver tongue scraper daily to clean the tongue and to assist removing toxins from all over the body.


SVA Home PK Detox Mode:  When you activate the detox pathways the whole physiology goes into detox mode.  All the channels ‘wake up’ and are called in to start to release toxins.  Sometimes the sweat will smell bad, showing that ama & amavisha are being released from the fat tissue.  As mentioned, you see more ama coating the tongue.  Ear wax may be more evident, showing toxins released from fat, muscle, and bone tissues.  The organs are detoxing as well, including the major pathways of the colon and lungs.  This is a complete program.  Silent but potent. For these seven weeks, we are covering all facets of detoxification.


7-Week Detox Herbal Water:  During these 7 weeks you will be making an herbal water to sip throughout the day.  I designed this water to detox the tissues safely and effectively.  The only precaution is that if you have any medical condition or are currently taking medications, please first consult with your medical provider.  Bring 32oz of high pH good spring water to a rolling boil.  Pour the water into a stainless steel thermos and steep the herbs and spices for five minutes, then strain.  Put the herbal water back in your thermos.  Sip a little throughout the day but not after sunset.  Drink slightly warm but not hot.  At the end of the day, clean your thermos and dry it readying it for the next day.  Make fresh batches daily. Do not drink previous day’s leftover tea. If leftover, discard it. The ingredients of your herbal tea are below, with some pointers as to which area, organ, or tissue they support for detox.




Herbal Tea Ingredients and Proportions:


• For Rasa or lymph tissue, add  Sunthi (Ayurvedic ginger) 2 pinches.  Enhances the intelligence of and cleans the first tissue, rasa.


• For Rakta or the blood tissue, add Manjishta & Black Pepper Corn: Manjishta 1 pinch; Black Pepper Corns 6.  Manjishta pacifies the reactivity of toxins floating in the blood.  Black pepper corn will ignite the agni to digest ama.


• For Mamsa or the muscle tissue, add: Mamsarohini 1 pinch; Amla powder 2 pinches


 For Meda or the fat tissue, add Indian Sarsaparilla 1 pinch (pulls toxins through the sweat); fenugreek 1 pinch – a dipani spice burns ama all the way up to majja or the bone marrow.


• For Asthi or the bone tissue, add Bone Herb, 1 pinch to clean the bone tissue


• For Majja, or the bone marrow tissue, see the diet section above and incorporate the optional chicken bone-marrow broth. Do not add this to the herbal water – bone marrow detox is distinct from other tissues and needs actual food support, not just an herb.


• For Shukra or the reproductive tissue, add Safed Mushali 2 pinches


• Also: Coriander seeds, 1/8 tsp, to release toxins through the urinary system


• And: Punarnava root 1 pinch – increases detox intelligence of the kidneys


• As well as: Marshmallow Root, 1 pinch to lubricate your channels so that reactive toxins don’t damage the micro channels on their way out.


• Finally, Pushkarmool root, 1 pinch to pull out toxins out from the respiratory system


7 Weeks to Optimal Health “What to do each day” Steps


This plan can be thought of has having two parts – weekdays and weekends.  Weekdays simply eat according to the section above Daily Foods/Spices/Grains to Support your Energy and Cleansing. Weekend is more a day of extra rest and additional cleansing through virechan – specific cleansing through extra bowel movements – using SVA transdermals & tablets.


Weekend Program


1) Friday and Saturday nights:  No Salt.  Eat 2 – 4 TBSP of Prune/Tamarind Chutney – find this on page 43 of my Home Detox Manual.   Eat lightly, only soupy khichari.  Use more ghee, eat less quantity.   At bedtime, apply Anushudhi Transdermal Cream on lower abdomen to support colon detox.  Apply Prakrit TD on lower spine swiping downward.  This will connect prana & apana (mind & colon) as lack of downward flow is one reason for constipation.  SVA is very careful on colon care as the colon is delicate and sensitive, even more so than the mind! Gentle transdermal support with Anushudhi TD and Prakrit TD supports cleansing and evacuation without adversely stimulating the colon, as would be the case with strong purgatives.


1a. Prakrit Tablets or Triphala for High Pitta:  On Friday and Saturday nights, take at bedtime either Prakrit Tablets or Triphala for High Pitta capsules.  The goal is to have 4 loose bowel movements on Saturday and Sunday.  Based on differences in colon type, one person may need two tablets or capsules; another person may need up to six.  Prakrit is best for vata & kapha.  High pitta types may need Triphala for High Pitta.  Prakrit and Triphala for HP not only evacuate the malas (gross waste), but they also help remove ama and amavisha released from the cellular system.


1b. Whether using Prakrit or Triphala for High Pitta you must determine your individual set point and dose.   Start with two tablets or capsules and adjust as needed. Let’s say you take two tablets/capsules on Friday night and nothing happens next day for bowel movement.  Then, for Saturday night you may try doubling the dose.  You can also apply this reasoning week to week.  Suppose first week you did not have the desired number of loose bowel movements, then next week you can double the dose.  Again, the goal is to have 4 loose bowel movements on Saturday and Sunday.  Do not go beyond six tablets or capsules a day.  On the other hand, suppose you had too many loose motions, then the next week reduce the dose.  To help you understand more colon care, read Colon Care Individual Body Type


1c. Should the tablets or capsules not work at all you may need to add mucilage in the form of psyllium seed husk.  Use 1 – 2 tsp. in water.  Mix well.  Psyllium binds toxins and lubricates the colon.


1d. Drink the rehydration drink (pg. 46 of Home Detox Manual) early on Saturday and on Sunday. Don’t wait until you feel weak to start drinking this.


1e. Dehydration can happen with excess bowel movements.  Should you have an excessive number of movements and need to stop them, drink the following recipe 2 – 3 x daily.


• Pomegranate juice 2 ounces


• Warm water 2 ounces


• Crushed & dry toasted cumin seeds ¼ – ½ tsp.


• Nutmeg powder 1 pinch


Paschatkarma (Post Home PK):  After this 7-week program, you will feel very good –  sleep better, digest better, and have more energy.  All you need do now is avoid slipping into bad habits of diet and routine.  Gradually start eating a normal SVA diet.  Go slowly.  Otherwise, the body will go into shock if you suddenly jump from a weekend of khichari to a full-course meal on the following Monday.  Continue to rest more for a while.


Rasayana (rejuvenation) is also part of paschatkarma.  You have successfully cleaned your tissues; now you can effectively rejuvenate them.  Soma Shakti is one of the very best rasayanas. I talked about it extensively in my newsletter and blog:  Soma Shakti – Rejuvenation & Youthful Energy. Take 1 tablet after breakfast and one after lunch.  Wild Amla (1 tablet after breakfast) or take Chyawanprash Herbal Tonic Paste – ½ tsp every morning, you can take it on an empty stomach or also mix it in with ½ glass of water.


The SVA Home Detox PK Plan is easy to practice, it goes slow but most steady.  Powerful herbal waters with only ‘homeopathic’ pinches of herbs fully awaken the detox system with overwhelming any of the tissues or systems in your body.  We do this also without creating any detox crises, because we are simultaneously addressing all the detox channels especially through the skin, lubricating and pulling the toxins all the while being careful to pacify vyana vata, which usually becomes aggravated in harsh, shorter-term PK.  Now, we just make sure we are not making new ama.  The old ama coming out from the macro and micro channels of the organs and seven dhatus (tissues) will then either be neutralized by the body’s digestive power or eliminated through the colon, skin, oral cavity, nasal pathway, or lungs.


Suggestions & Precautions  


Although this plan and protocols are safe and user friendly, I highly recommend you do this plan start to finish under the expert supervision of a SVA practitioner.  They can guide you and also support you, should any detox issues arise.  Moreover, if you are currently under the supervision of a SVA practitioner, you must let him or her know that you are starting this plan.  They may need to, and will know how to, adjust your plan with your existing SVA protocols. 


Call us if you have any detox crisis symptoms at all and stop the detox immediately – 1.818.219. 5499. Do Not use this plan if you have or you suspect you may have any of the following conditions: ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, bleeding hemorrhoids, or any medical conditions.


If you do not currently work with a SVA expert, you may still take on the Home PK Program on your own. While you are on it, if you have questions, you may email us at:, and we will be happy to help you. Happy Detoxing!


  • Recipe for Chicken bone-marrow broth for supporting majja dhatu


For one person, organic chicken bones (drumstick, backs, wings) about ½ pound.  Cook covered for about ½ hour with your garcinia mix and Soma Salt.  The idea now is to shake or break apart the bones to extract the marrow – you can use a blender to roughly chop to do so. Once you do that, you must strain the bones/broth in a coffee filter or other means to remove every piece of bone.  Be sure to strain well to remove all pieces.  You may garnish with cilantro and add a little olive oil as well.  Consume approximately six tablespoons.  




Disclaimer: The products and statements included herein have not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and are not intended to be used to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. All of the information above is intended to be used for educational purposes only and may not be used to replace or compliment medical advice.





The sole purpose of this blog is to provide information about the alternative healing modalities of Shaka Vansiya Ayurveda (SVA) as practiced in Vaidya Mishra's ancestral family tradition. The information contained herein is not intended for use in the diagnosis, prevention or cure of any disease. If you have any serious, acute or chronic health concern, please consult a licensed health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Otherwise, for more information, you may call Vaidya Mishra's Prana Center toll free in the USA at 1.888.3CHANDI (888.324.2634). or 1.818.709.1005 globally, or email us at: You may also visit:, or


  1. Veronica says

    Thank you for caring enough to share your vast knowledge with many of us who are learning and also keeping us from making some problems for our bodies in the future.

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