Zinc vs Corona Virus – with Dr T! SVA Facials at Revelations Cafe; & Spring Detox… – your SV Ayurveda Newsletter March 5, 2020 – #8, Vol 10

As the situation seems to worsen with more cases detected nationwide, I am happy to share with our readers more tips to prevent and address the Coronavirus. Did you know that pathologists who have been studying Corona viruses for decades say that these viruses can be killed by zinc?
In SV Ayurveda, we use zinc bhasmas which are meticulously prepared metallic zinc processed through various calcinations, as depicted in this article, into a nanoparticle. This resultant nanoparticle is an extremely small particle which can enter the cell much easier than its unprocessed large heavy metallic zinc.

Known as “Yasad Bhasma” this zinc nanoparticle has been shown to be highly effective in treating the various forms of Corona viruses.
We have two strengths, and are in the process of stockpiling them for the expected epidemic coming our way.
Add 5 drops to a glass of room temperature spring water and stir. For added potency, add 5 drops of Boswellia Nectar Drops. Stir well and either sip on it slowly throughout the day or drink it down immediately.
We use the zinc primarily in adults but may use it in some children who have weak immune systems but in different dosage.
Read the article below which shows all the steps involved in processing the zinc so it is more biologically available and thus more active in your cells.
Dr. Marianne Teitelbaum

15$ for 15 minutes
SVA mini Facial Marma
with Celestial Radiance Cream
and Samadhi Marma
Revelations Cafe in Fairfield, Iowa,
Saturdays from 10am-2pm
no need to schedule, come on in…

We had a fabulous – inspiring and informative – first introductory session to our SVA Marmavigyan course yesterday afternoon, with attendees from across the USA, Canada, and India. Next week, we launch full-on instruction and delve into the knowledge, until our hands-on practicum weekend on April 17, in California.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at: info@prana-center.com, or call us: 1.818.709.1005

Anti-bacterial Immuno-supporting Uses of Tribindu
  1. Sinus Support: discourages bacterial growth and support your sinus cavity when inhaled. Spray it on a scarf and gently inhale. Keep away from your eyes. 
  2. Sanitize and prevent infection: apply on your toe and finger nails after clipping them to ward off the chance of infections;
  3. Anti-bacterial air-freshener: spray it in your room – on your couch, pillows, carpet, desk, or just in the air. All the ingredients in this formula help remove bad odors through their “krimigni” or anti-bacterial properties. You can also use with it with an essential oil diffuser.
  4. Uplift and pacify the mind: Tribindu pacifies Vata dosha through its thermogenic properties and support kapha dosha by improving circulation – it’s your best friend in the winter time and in cold weather; and when you are feeling vata-ed out or stuck and stiff!
  5. Ward off mold and fungus: through its potent bactericidal properties this formula can be used in area where there is mold and fungus growth. Spray on directly (carpets, upholstery; drawers; nooks and crannies!) – 2-3 times a day.
CAUTION: if you inadvertently get the spray in your eyes, rinse with cool/cold water and it will wash off easily and immediately. 

Calendar of Upcoming Events
looking for a live SVA event in your area or online?

Check out our Calendar page for upcoming courses and community events & for full contact and registration details:
Upcoming SVA events across the US & Canada :
  • February 5: Ayurveda Life-Mastery with Traci Webb in Arcata, CA
  • February 10: Melina Takvorian-Mishra on EMF & SVA Remedies with Chandika.com booth at the Conscious life Expo in LA
  • February 14: SVA Facial Marma & Samadhi Marma in British Columbia, Canada
  • April 3-10: Magical Moon Retreat with Purnima Chaudhari in British Columbia, Canada
  • March 7-10: Yoga & Ayurveda: Taming the Tanmatras with Carol Nace in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico – registration is now closed.
  • March 14: “Corona Virus: SVA Protocols” with Dawn & Billy Hunter, Revelations Cafe, Fairfield IA, and via live streaming.
  • April 17-19: SVA Marma Training & Certification at the Prana Center, Chatsworth – CA
  • April 24-26: SVA Marma at NAMA & Chandika.com booth – Boone, North Carolina
  • May 7-June 4: SVA Spring Home-Detox – ONLINE – from the comfort of your own home!
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