What’s Spring About? A Yagya for World Peace; Plus: Is It DIY SVA Detox Time?! – your SV Ayurveda Newsletter March 17, 2022 – #8, Vol 12

Why does Ayurveda recommend seasonal detox in the Spring and Autumn? The sun is our source of light, transformative energy, and heat, When the sun “rises” in the morning, it activates all life. Throughout the year, the changing intensity and concentration of its rays give rise to the seasons of Spring and Summer, Autumn and Winter. In the Winter, the days are short as the sun is low in the sky. The Winter solstice – December 21 – is the shortest day of the year. During the short Winter days the sun does not rise exactly in the east, but instead rises just south of east and it sets south of west. The sun is at its lowest path in the sky on the Winter Solstice. Each day after the Winter solstice, the sun’s path becomes a little higher in the southern sky. The Sun also begins to rise closer to the east and set closer to the west until we reach the day when it rises exactly east and sets exactly west. This day is called the equinox. In the spring we have the Spring Equinox about March 21st. On the equinox, the sun will rise in the east - not just somewhere in the east but exactly due east. This only happens on the Spring and Fall equinox. The rest of the year the sun will rise south or north of east.
As the Sun is higher and stays longer in the sky during summer, the sunlight reaching the surface is more concentrated. In Winter, the Sun is lower in the sky, and sunlight is spread out over a larger area. During Spring and Autumn, both hemispheres receive about the same amount of sunlight. This has significant impact on our bodily functions, the body is in transformative mode, rather than absorbing and holding. For detox, you need the body to perform optimally by transforming and releasing. 
On the Spring Equinox the Sun rises exactly in the east travels through the sky for 12 hours and sets exactly in the west. On the Equinox this is the motion of the sun through the sky for everyone on earth. Every place on earth experiences a 12 hours day twice a year on the Spring and Fall Equinox. This is ideal for the physiology. 
With the Spring Equinox, as the sun assumes its journey back to the northern hemisphere, it warms up the earth awakening her of her deep slumber, and a joyful celebration of life unfolds in a thousand colors, scents, and chirps!… Life comes back as Mother Earth is released from the cold and everything starts to flow and blossom again… Spring is here… In India this ecstatic outburst of life is celebrated as Holi…. A colorful festival where participants engage in coloring each other with clay powders on the streets, drinking sweet delicious celebratory drinks…. This is also when Persephone returned from Hades triggering great ritual celebrations in Ancient Greece… In Ayurveda, this is the right time to set intentions and shift gears. As Vaidya Mishra explains, the physical channels play a crucial role in our overall health. In the wintertime, they shrink due to the cold. When Spring arrives, the channels dilate and release accumulated toxins. It is important to eat according to ayurvedic precepts to support the seasonal shift and aid our body in releasing toxins, and even lose weight – or gain weight if that is your objective. The time-tested science behind it is absolutely fascinating, but it’s also practical and yields results. This year, you can find out for yourself – join us for SVA Do-It-Yourself Spring Detox. See details below. Namaste!

Vedic Fire Ceremony (Yagya)
World Peace, Harmony, and Unity
conducted on March 17, 2022, by the priests of the
Indian Palm Leaf Reading Institute

Indian Palm Leaf Reading Institute 
Office: +1 (888) 210-2614 

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