Vegan High-Protein Powder – Recipes and Tips for Different Metabolic Body Types


Juicing is convenient, it’s fast, it’s packed with nutritionally high fresh ingredients. But is it really as healthy as it is made out to be? In ayurvedic terms, of course, it all depends on what’s in it, and when you are consuming it. If we take it one step further, in SVA terms, the formula is simple: you want it to be rich and nourishing, but without suppressing or putting out your digestive fire; you want it to be satiating enough but not heavy and clogging so as it blocks your channels; you want it to balance all your doshas, without aggravating or depleting any of them.

Unfortunately, the juicing gurus mix in ingredients helter-skelter, adding protein powders, dehydrated vegetable powders, soy, etc. Long term consumption will certainly confirm that such recipes cause more harm than good. And it is because so many of my clients ask me about juicing, and want to engage in juicing that I have had to introduce an ancient ayurvedic method of consuming a nourishing and refreshing protein shake on-the-go.

vegan powder 16oz

Ayurvedically speaking, there is a tradition of consuming dehydrated lentil powders, blended in with different spices, in addition to water, or yoghurt, to rehydrate oneself in the high heat temperatures. Inspired by this ancient ayurvedic tradition, and the needs of my current clients, I have put together my  SVA Instant Tridoshic Vegan Protein Powder. A nutritious, easy-to-use powder that you can add to make shakes, smoothies, or even to sprinkle on your cooked rice, salads, or soups. It primarily contains dry-roasted and pulverized kala chana (black chickpeas). In India, kala chana is a low-budget high-protein ingredient used in many delicious recipes. The laboring class in India is said to subsist on affordable kala chana as their primary source of daily protein, especially in the north eastern states of Bihar, UP, and the Punjab as well.

Kala Chana is a variation of the commonly known larger variety of chickpea. Kala chana is smaller and dark in color, and high in protein. It carries a very low glycemic index and is a great source of protein for vegetarians who have sugar intolerance, or are diabetic.

To make our SVA Vegan Protein Shake Powder, I use only black chickpeas and roast them in the sand – according to the traditional method. After roasting, we sieve away the sand. We also remove the tough husk of the chickpeas, which can irritate the digestive track when consumed.  Then we grind the sand-roasted kala chana down to a fine powder. Roasting it this way makes the otherwise heavy chana light and easy-to digest.  This processing also keeps all the components of the raw food intact with no loss of any nutrient.  The shelf-life of the roasted chickpeas is increased as well.  My SVA Vegan Protein Powder is not only tri-doshic but it is also soy and gluten-free.

Nutritional overview of your Instant Vegan High-Protein  SVAShake  

Kala chana is high in protein, low in fat.  Besides building and maintaining healthy muscles, protein is needed to synthesize hormones and neuro-transmitters.  Therefore, everyone can benefit from a quick supplement of high-quality protein in shake form.  However, if you are a vegan, you can use this powder even more liberally in addition to your shakes or smoothies. You can sprinkle it on your food, to supplement for the essential protein you may be missing from your diet.  Kala chana also provides high amounts of dietary fiber needed to help lower cholesterol, regulate blood sugar, and provide healthy intestinal flora and bowel movements.  Kala chana is also a good source of Potassium and Sodium: balanced  source of potassium with low sodium.  Kala chana is also rich in easy-to-absorb minerals and vitamins – especially iron, calcium and folate.


Kala Chana – the Ayurvedic Perspective 

SANSKRIT 6-10-16

Kala chana is a very famous ingredient in Ayurveda.  It has been used traditionally to aid in the control of diabetes and chronic skin conditions.  A good source of protein, it aids weight loss, cardiac health, and cleans the colon.

Bhav Mishra in Bhav Prakash says:

• Harimantha: beloved by God and in the whole world by the people

• Sitalo: Cooling, reducing all pitta and removing heat from the blood

• Ruksah: Dry, reducing kledaka and shleshaka kapha

• Kasayo: Alkalizing, reduces pitta and kapha

• Laghu: Light guna (quality) reduces kapha

• Vistambhi: clogging to the channels

• Jvaranasanah: Helps with fever when it’s caused by ama or toxic build-up

What we see is that although kala chana is hight in nutrient and protein content, and carries the ability to reduce pitta and kapha, it can, on the other hand, increase vata if not properly processed.  Due to laghu guna, kashaya rasa, and vistambhi prabhava (ultimate effect) it can aggravate vata and produce ama.  To remove these undesirable effects, my kala chana powder is processed so as to make it easy to digest. and we hinder its channel clogging effect. We do this by dry roasting it in controlled temperatures in clean sand. Furthermore, prior to roasting, we steam the chana with Soma Salt.  The agneya (full of agni) properties of the Soma Salt reduces the sita (cold) property of kala chana.   The traces of Soma Salt thus help reduce the innate vata aggravating property.  Then, the roasting makes this powder lighter/more digestible and further helps counter vata by removing the vistambhi effect.  One more thing we do is to remove the skin of the chana.  The skin is very ruksha (drying) and even more vistambhi (clogging) than the rest of the bean.  Lastly, I have added mucilage from carob source.  This mucilage is an excellent pre-biotic.  Due to its snigdha (slimy quality) it further reduces the drying, vata aggravating properties.

Helping chronic skin problems: When I was actively practicing in India before moving to the US, I witnessed the tremendous benefits of kala chana for skin conditions that are auto-immune related.  It does so by pacifying kapha and pitta and it cleans pitta from the blood. Also, by unclogging the circulatory channels of the blood it increases rakta agni. Additionally, through the addition of mucilage, it binds amavisha (reactive toxins) and binds garvisha (slow poisons.) The skin’s immunity is also enhanced by the pre-biotic mucilage and – in the case of yoghurt variations – the addition of probiotics.  This way we can help the skin’s friendly bacteria to flourish.

Delicious Instant Vegan High-Protein Shake Powder recipes

Your Instant Protein Powder is ready to eat. Almost. Even with all the processing, the liveliness of black chana is still there.  However, with proper samyog (combination) and proper samskar (processing) the powder can be enjoyed by all constitutions and all types of agni – your body’s digestive power: 1) vishmagni (variable); 2) tiksnagni (sharp); 3)mandagni (slow); and 4) samagni (balanced).

1. Vata (vishmagni): Some people have variable appetite and digestion.  Sometimes no hunger, sometimes high hunger.  In this case use this recipe.  Blend well.


Spring water: 8 oz.

Instant Vegan Protein Powder: 2 TBSP

Raw sugar: ½ tsp.

Soma Salt: add per taste

Lime juice: 1 TBSP

Cumin seeds (dry roasted and ground): ¼ tsp.

Grated ginger (optional): ¼ tsp.

Green chili (optional): small piece


1a) Pro-biotic variation: Same as above with 1 TBSP homemade, fresh yoghurt.  Blend in blender 3 – 5 minutes.


2. Pitta (high agni, high pitta): Some people always have intense hunger and intense appetite.  This recipe is for them.

Spring water: 8 oz.

Instant Vegan Protein Powder: 4 TBSP

Rose Petal Preserve: 1 tsp. or rose powder ½ tsp.

Raw sugar: 1 tsp. (not needed if using rose preserve)


2a) Pro-biotic variation: Same as above with 4 TBSP homemade, fresh yoghurt.  Blend in blender 3 – 5 minutes.

3. Pitta (low agni): For those with heat, acidity, along with poor digestion and less hunger.  Blend in blender.

Spring water: 8 oz.

Instant Vegan Protein Powder: 2 TBSP


Fennel seeds (toasted and ground): ½ tsp

Rose Petal Preserve: 1/2 tsp. or rose powder 1/4 tsp.

Raw sugar: 1/2 tsp. (not needed if using rose preserve)

Clove: 1 bud

Green Cardamom: 1 pod

3a) Pro-biotic variation: Same as above with 1 TBSP homemade, fresh yoghurt.  Blend in blender 3 – 5 minutes.

4. Kapha (mandagni): Best for kapha constitutions and those with heavy, slow digestion and low appetite.

Spring water: 8 oz.

Instant Vegan Protein Powder: 2 TBSP

Black pepper ground: 1/8 tsp

Soma Salt: add per taste

Lime juice: 1 TBSP

Kapha Garcinia Masala: ½ tsp.  First toast in 1 tsp. of Mum’s Ghee


4a) Pro-biotic variation: Same as above with 1 TBSP homemade, fresh yoghurt.  Blend in blender 3 – 5 minutes.

5. Fat metabolism and Weight loss recipe


Spring water: 8 oz.

Instant Vegan Protein  Powder: 4 TBSP

MedAgni Masala: ½ tsp

Soma Salt: add per taste

Lime juice: 1 TBSP


5a) Pro-biotic variation: Same as above with 2 TBSP homemade, fresh yoghurt.  Blend in blender 3 – 5 minutes.

6. Muscle Gain Formula: if your muscle tissue needs more support and nourishment,   boil milk and water together first.

Spring water: 4 oz.

Organic milk: 4 oz.

Instant Vegan High-Protein Shake Powder: 4 TBSP

Ghee: 1 tsp.

Rose Petal Preserve: 1/2 tsp.

Raw sugar: 1 tsp. (not needed if using rose preserve)

Green Cardamom: 1 pod


7. Sugar Metabolism: this recipe will enhance sugar metabolism. Do Not use if you have tendency to low blood sugars or hypoglycemia.  Make the soup mix first by adding and mixing in just boiled water. After it cools to comfortable temperature add the mix and other ingredients.  Blend well.  Drink.


Spring water: 10 oz.

Instant Vegan High-Protein Shake Powder: 3 TBSP

Kerala Soup Mix: 1 TBSP

Soma Salt: add by taste

Lime juice: 1 TBSP


A word on ‘other’ protein powders: One of the factors that made me decide to make this high protein powder was that so many clients were supplementing their protein intake with unhealthy alternatives, such as soy, green peas, and whey powders.  These mixes are very popular in the marketplace.  Let’s take a brief look as to why they should be best avoided.


The problem with soy:  While it is true that soy beans provide a rich source of amino acids, it is equally true that all that glitters is not gold! In SVA, we know to look beyond the label to see a food’s ultimate effect on the doshas, tissues, physical channels, and vibrational channels.  Soy is a major ‘channel blocker,’ consumption of which is suitable only by those doing hard physical labor day in day out – not at all suitable for the diet of the office or professional worker.  Soy is also highly estrogenic and can promote many disturbances in the female physiology.  To avoid such problems and to keep your channels open, steer clear of soy-based protein supplements.


The problem with green peas: Peas and pea-based protein powders are mahavistambhi.  Maha means ‘great.’ That is to say, peas are first-class channel blockers, even more so than soy. They will slow down your overall metabolic system, promote the production of toxins, or ama, and long-term cause many unwanted imbalances. For those who already experience joint pain or joint related conditions, they should avoid them by all means.

Whey or No Way?   Whey protein is a mixture of globular proteins isolated from whey, the liquid material created as a by-product of cheese production.  Not only is it clogging to the channels, whey is very acidic.  We know that our physiology needs good pH to be healthy.  Eating whey provides protein but it will also unnecessarily introduce more acidity into the physiology.  Plus, as a protein isolate, whey has lost the intelligence originally found in its milk source and has become a ‘dumb’ protein.  Dumb foods (less prana) are hard to digest and likely to produce ama (toxins.)


You can also enjoy my SVA Vegan Protein Powder with cooked vegetables. Chop and boil a zucchini squash, add a few leafy greens (kale, swiss chard, etc) or a handful or two of baby spinach leaves, throw in a carrot, etc. Then add your vetetables to your mixture of Protein Powder, in addition to a 1/4 tsp Mum’s Masala, some olive oil, Soma Salt to taste, and a squirt of lime. Blend and enjoy!


I know you are going to love this healthy instant protein powder as much as I do! And I encourage you to get creative with it and come up with your own recipes and email them to me. Enjoy!



The sole purpose of this blog is to provide information about the alternative healing modalities of Shaka Vansiya Ayurveda (SVA) as practiced in Vaidya Mishra's ancestral family tradition. The information contained herein is not intended for use in the diagnosis, prevention or cure of any disease. If you have any serious, acute or chronic health concern, please consult a licensed health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Otherwise, for more information, you may call Vaidya Mishra's Prana Center toll free in the USA at 1.888.3CHANDI (888.324.2634). or 1.818.709.1005 globally, or email us at: You may also visit:, or


  1. Claudia K. says

    Thank you so much for developing such promising product!!!
    I am a bit concern about the roasting, since I can have problems with improperly soaked legumes. My digestion is very sensitive.
    Thank you very much for your feed back!
    Best, Claudia

  2. Namaskar, Vaidya Mishra

    This is wonderful – to have a vegan high protein
    Powder! One is cautious about using too much
    Soy but vegans don’t seem to have much choice.
    will appreciate some advice on a vegan( no grain) ketogenic diet please?


  3. How many grams of protein is it per serving?

  4. hariharan rajendran says

    Thanks Vaidya
    How about Hemp seeds for protien?
    I am taking hemp seeds for vegan protein and I am vata dosha
    is it fine?

  5. christiane says

    Hi Vaidya
    Is it ok to cook the powder in with vegetables soups as the main protein? or do we have to just sprinkle on top afterwards?

  6. Hi I cannot find this protein powder at the website mentioned, where can I order it online, I am based out of Canada.

  7. Now back in stock: – SVAyurveda Customer Service Team

  8. 15grams per 100 are protein, you can read more here (scroll down a bit to find nutritional profile on Kala Channa):

  9. Hi Christiane, Vegan Protein powder does not need to be cooked, it can be sprinkled on.

  10. Very heavy and channel clogging, not recommended by SVA.

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