Vedic Astrology: Study with the Best! – your SV Ayurveda Newsletter Sept 28, 2023 – #38, Vol 12

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Why You Need

Chyawanprash EVERYDAY! Chyawanprash is a great tonic for the lungs, it can take care of chronic cough, and helps alleviate breathing trouble. It supports and helps older physiologies, helps reverse aging, and it nourishes the growth of children and young adults.

Chyawanprash supports the vocal chords; nurtures all seven tissues; nourishes the heart; pacifies Vata dosha; nourishes the blood; takes care of excessive thirst. It helps the urinary tract; nourishes the reproductive fluid, and pacifies the aggravated dosha-s in the urinary tract.

It can be consumed as a food item, as a dessert, after your mid-day meal. Do not consume at night as it may be too energizing and may interfere with sleep. Consuming chyawanprash as part of your daily diet will rejuvenate all age groups, making the old young again, and the young stronger!

Increases intelligence; boosts memory; enhances glow and complexion of the skin; keeps the body disease-free; lengthens the life-span; strengthens all five senses. Chyawanprash supports and promotes marital or conjugal bliss, strengthening both male and female physiologies! It also supports the digestive metabolic fire; increases overall radiance; pacifies apana vata.

Chyawanprash is a daily tonic that is good for all age groups all the time – except infants and children age 5 and under. The original formula contains ghee, cane sugar, and honey. The original ancient recipe calls for the addition of ghee, honey, and sugar as these are necessary and help coat the herbal molecules and deliver them to the deeper tissues. They are added as balancing ingredients because the original formula is very potent with its concentrated content of herbs and amla. They are not flavoring agents. And since they are consumed in conjunction with the dozens of herbs that are in the formula, the body is able to process and metabolize them fully. You will not make ama from the ghee, the sugar, or the honey – no one should experience discomfort or imbalance from the sugar and fat content.

What customers are saying…

However, if you have fat and sugar sensitivities or prefer to avoid consuming either or both, Vaidya Mishra put together a Chyawanprash Syrup that contains no added fat (ghee) and no added sugar (honey or raw can sugar). For those who have concerns consuming fat and/or sugar, this will be the ideal way to get the rejuvenative benefit of all the rasayana ingredients and other herbs that are part of the original formula. This is the syrup version. 

Align with your soul purpose and create business prosperity

Create A Clear Dharmic Path and A Prosperous Business ~ With the ancient wisdom of Jyotish and embodiment

Can you envision having a thriving business while still feeling nourished, fulfilled, and connected to your soul’s deepest purpose?

Most Jyotish courses don’t teach how to cultivate a relationship with the body. We can’t move with clarity and confidence in our lives and business if we aren’t first connected with our body’s innate wisdom.

In the Embodied Jyotish Certification Course, you’ll discover powerful tools to enhance your connection with your embodied wisdom- so you can move with clarity and confidence towards the actualization of your unique gifts and wisdom.

You’ll learn how to fully embody your sacred medicine and unique dharmic path so you can share your wisdom in this world with confidence and ease.

Are you ready to finally create a balance between your inner and outer success and actualize the life and business you’ve most longed to create?

What You Will Learn

This is unlike any Jyotish course you’ve experienced. It is more than Jyotish knowledge. The course is an experiential transformation on an embodied level. You will reprogram, reshape, and repair your body in a way that supports true soul nourishment- all while clarifying your reason for being alive right now in this body on this planet. With embodied clarity and trust in your soul gifts, you’ll also learn how to create a prosperous Dharmic business with practical tools and marketing resources. There’s no greater gift in this time of Kali Yuga than embodied self trust and clarity with the purpose of your soul. You are a torch carrier. You take your path seriously. You are here for a reason. This course will make sure you never forget the truth of who you are and what your sacred medicine is.

Guest Teachers:

* Laura Plumb, Ayurveda and the Wisdom of Jyotish

* Tulsi Bagnoli, Vedic Science and Sanskrit

* Tiffany April Raines, Jyotish gemstones

* Dr. Lisa Raskin, Shaka Vansya Ayurveda

* Ben Collins, The power of Yagyas

* Madhu Pura Dasa, Dharma Business

Saraswati J Miller was born immersed in Vedic knowledge and started studying Jyotish at a young age. She has cultivated a unique embodied approach to Vedic Astrology that honors the wisdom of the body, while also integrating somatic and expressive art therapy resources. Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra gave his personal blessing for her path of Jyotish, reminding her that healing and Dharma were the highest form of Jyotish interpretation. She mentors and guides healers who want a successful and prosperous dharmic path using Vedic tools and dharmic business resources.

For registration and course details please email

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