Radiate Beauty with SVA Marma Eye-Care and Facial-Care

Decades ago, in India, before before the industrial mass production for personal care and beauty products became the norm, women (and men) in rural or urban settings used to resort to either grandma’s secret home-recipes, or rely upon the village or town vaidya for hand-made natural herbal products to address their needs for personal beautification and maintenance.

Vaidyas have always held a front-and-center role for many aspects of personal care, in addition to fulfilling the role of healers. My ancestors, the vaidyas from the Shaka Vansiya Ayurveda lineage, were experts in formulating all kinds of products for personal care and beauty not just for laypeople, but since many were appointed personal ayurvedic physical to the royalty based on their wide-spread name and fame, they were called upon to formulate and develop uniquely effective beauty techniques to make the royalty of India look their utmost best.

In this newsletter, I want to share two simple ways for you to enjoy and benefit from some of the ancestral royal secrets for beautification that were handed down to me from my lineage.  Both techniques are part of the SVA™ Transdermal Marma System™ (TMS), and cannot be sourced elsewhere, even though they use the science of Marma that is part and parcel of Ayurveda, the approach and practical methods are SVA™.

These techniques make use of the science of marma points – a fundamental aspect of ayurvedic vibrational healing, along with the correct transdermal application of specifically prepared herbal synergies.

In the SVA lineage, we learn that marma points on the face (and body) are energetic ‘switches’ that facilitate, support, and enhancing the reception, flow, and delivery of Prana to all organs, cells, and systems.  My TMS™ technique, or Transdermal Marma System™, is a practical application of ayurvedic marma therapy using unique herbalized SVA™ creams, mantra, touch, and pure aromas on specific marmas.

The following SVA™ marma protocols discussed below are designed to increase the flow of prana for overall health and beauty. One technique specifically targets the health and beauty of the eyes; the other is for overall bliss and facial beauty.

Eye Care: with SVA™ Marma and the Aroma-Free ALA Cream. 

For this marma technique, we use Aroma-Free ALA (alpha lipoic acid ) Cream.  Alpha Lipoic acid, or just Lipoid Acid is a well-known natural substance found in certain foods and also produced in the human body. Scientific studies have discovered its many health promoting properties:

  • it plays a key role in the biochemical pathways responsible for energy production in the cells (citric acid cycle).ALA2oz
  • it inhibits cross-linking of chemical bridges between proteins or other large molecules – cross-linking contributes to the aging process by causing hardening of arteries, wrinkling of the skin and stiffening of joints.
  • it is an anti-inflammatory.
  • ALA can help with the detox of toxic heavy metals
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid is a powerful both lipid- and water- soluble antioxidant. Antioxidants are intimately involved in the prevention of cellular damage — the common pathway for cancer, aging, and a variety of diseases.

While the body can naturally manufacture enough lipoic acid for metabolic functions, supplementing orally or transdermally can allow more optimal levels to circulate in a free state.

In SVA, we use Alpha Lipoic Acid in distinct ways. I have formulated a cream to help support the health of the eyes. The beauty of this cream is that it improves circulation to the eyes’ nerves without causing or generating any local heat.  Why is this important?  We have learnt with Ayurveda that the eyes are governed by alochaka pitta, so they are an agneya organ (fire element predominant).  Consequently, we don’t recommend using any warming or thermogenic products to improve circulation. In general, as you know, thermogenesis is needed to enhance and improve circulation. So having a formula that has thermogenic properties without heating up the area is ideal! It’s like having your cake and eating it too!

Because the SVA™ ALA cream is water-based it gets absorbed immediately within the first and second layers of the skin, lubricating and hydrating the skin without clogging it.  Used as directed, the ALA cream, along with marma point massage relaxes not only the eyes but also the mind, even supplying relief from strain to the eyes caused by EMF (electro-magnetic fields) and overuse.

ALA cream along with SVA Marma can be used anytime of the day. But it can be particularly useful at night, to help with restorative sleep.  Why?  The SVA definition of nidra (sleep) is that sleep comes when the sense organs withdraw from the mind and objects of perception.  Using the ALA Cream on the eye marma points helps disengage the eyes from the mind and sense objects by supplying relief and relaxation. When the eyes relax, the mind settles, breathing slows down, and the other senses follow suit, inducing better sweeter deep sleep full of replenishing soma.

SVA Self Marma For-Facelift

On Sunday January 24, 2016, I taught a workshop on SVA Beauty and Marma Face-lift in Westlake Village – you can watch the video recording on my SVA Health YouTube Channel. In the tradition of SVA, we define beauty as:

sanskritThese verses elucidate beauty in terms of “body parts” or “anga”s, and the concept of “shubhang” or auspiousness. This changes everything. It changes our understanding of beauty radically. Beauty is not a matter of external symmetry or properties or qualities, it becomes an integral aspect of one’s identity. In addition, as the verse also says, beauty depends upon, and derives from, three supporting pillars:

Rupam – outer beauty;

Guam —  inner beauty; 

Vayastag – lasting beauty.

There have been countless books written about inner and outer beauty, incorporating even different yogic protocols and approaches. But with SVA you can unlock the secret to your total beauty with simple daily practical steps. With only a few minutes morning and/or evening, you can unfold that inside-out auspiciousness that is the source of all beauty, re-aligning you with your inner core, giving you a beauty that emanates from re-establishing the inner peace that accompanies the full unimpeded flow of prana. With the SVA Self-marma face-lift, you can support and enhance all three pillars of beauty to give you the experience of inside-out beauty within minutes!

 How to Locate your Marma Points and Massage Them:

Explore the areas of the specific marma points shown on the diagram on your own face. Look for or feel for a subtle ‘dip’ in the areas shown on the facial photos, or some tenderness, or sometimes even some soreness. Marma points are the conjunction of various types of energies so you will feel the points when you touch them. Many times you may even feel the need to breathe deeper when you find and touch the points. Here are the general instructions and steps to do before either the SVA Face-lift protocol or the SVA Eye Care techniques. These

Marma Points

techniques make use of the SVA marma points. How do you locate the specific marma points? Since everybody’s face is somewhat distinct in its bone structure, marma points may be found at slightly different locations than what is shown on the diagram we use. For that, it is best to develop an experiential sense of where each marma point is on your own face.

After you locate the points,  apply a small dab of cream on the marma points. Lightly, and gently rotate the tip of your ring finger(s) clockwise – imagine that a clock is on your face, so someone looking at you will be able to tell time! Go in Light and slow circles, rotating the tip of your ring finger for approximately 7 times.  After circular motions, lightly hold the point (or point pair) 15-30 seconds.  You may do the temples and other pairs of points simultaneously with your left and right hands.  At all times, breath easy. Inhale when you first press down on the point gently, and breath out when you release the point.

SVA™ Self Marma Eye-Care with ALA Cream – Aroma Free

Step One:   Using the ring finger, apply a small amount of Aroma-Free ALA on your Sthapani marma and leave it there

Step Two:   Locate and apply cream on the pair of Urdhwa Netra Marmas

Step Three: Locate and apply cream on Aroma Free ALA on Adho Netra Marma points

Step Four:  Locate and apply cream on Apanga Marma set

Step Five:   Locate and apply cream on up-apanga set

Now that you have located and marked the marma points, go back to your first step and gently massage in clockwise motion with very gentle pressure. Keep doing the same for all points. Breathe slowly and gently. Breathe in and gently apply pressure on the point, and breathe out and release the point. Go through all the points and then spread out the cream onto the whole area evenly, wiping out any additional residues. And you’re done! This will take you only a few minutes. You can do it morning or at night before bed. You will get the cumulative benefits not only from applying the ALA cream that improve circulation in your temples and eye area, wiping off EMF build-up, but also enhanced pranic flow that will restore and rejuvenate your eyes. If you make an effort to slip into sleep by 10pm, dark heavy eye circles can also get improved with time.

SVA Marma Facial-Care

This protocol can be done by yourself or by someone for you. It will take approximately 25 minutes if you do all steps. You can also just do the full protocol 2-3 times a week, and then do a shortened version everyday. In addition, you can use any products your like, but here are the products I recommend to get full benefit from this full SVA protocol:

Samadhi Set: to open up the heart and engage pranic flow from the core;

Super Sport (Roll-on best): to activate physical circulation and unblock physical and vibrational channels;

Maha Marma Oil: to settle Prana Vata and the panic flow down the spinal column, without which any marma massage will not be optimal;  Any of the Lalita’s Age Defying™ Creams based on your skin type or preference: to further nourish, nurture, and rejuvenate.

Step one

Activate Siro Griva Marma with SuperSport™:  Before prana (from the sushumna nadi) flows down spine to the entire body, this sandhi marma softens the energy for the body to receive and make use of.  This step of the technique cleans the pranic energy flowing in the nadis (expressed in the nerves) governing the cervical spine. It eliminates the polluted vibrations of EMF and helps prevent further contamination by giving more power to your nadis.  After doing the cervical portion of the marma facelift, more prana is already going to the face and making the facial marmas more open and receptive when subsequently touched and activated.

3 little actions to follow:

1- Apply Super Sport on Siro Griva

2- Swipe down from Siro Griva to C7 on the neck seven times using the Super Sport

3- Starting at C1, use your ring fingers to swipe outward from the center of cervical spine to outside edge of the neck posteriorly, with medium pressure.  Continue swiping C2 through C7.  Again swipe down with more SuperSport™ 7 times.  Finish by lightly massaging the back of your neck top to bottom.

Step two 

Samadhi Set – Consisting of three herbalized creams (or roll-ons) the Samadhi Set is applied on specific marma points to open the heart to support and coordinate the functioning between mind, heart and soul. Discover how to use the Samadhi Set at https://www.svayurveda.com/?s=samadhi+set

Step three

This is the most involved step, as the first 2 steps are preparations. When you are short on time you can skip the other 2 steps and just start with this. This step addresses the Adhipati and  12 facial marma points

FontanelleAdhipati – Found at the center of the head (Anterior fontanelle), Adhipati is considered the ‘master’ marma.  Using the SVA Maha Marma Oil, perform this

step immediately after the Samadhi Set for optimal results.  Activating this marma increases the marut predominant flow down the entire spine and then to

whole body.  It will also impact and open the ida and pingala nadis right away.  Additionally, this step makes the facial marmas more open and receptive.

Facial Marmas: Facial marmas are very powerful! Ajna marma, for example, is connected to the Bhramarandhra – this is analogous to a filter whose epicenter is the adhipati marma, Bhramarandhra filters the reception of cosmic energy so it does not overwhelm the human physiology. When you clean and awaken ajna during your self marma facelift, you actually enhance your connection to the cosmic intelligence of the universe.

Actual Steps: Refer to the accompanying facial chart.  Use the Lalita’s Age Defying Cream of your choice.  http://www.chandika.com/lalitas-skin-care. Since ALL of the SVA creams are free from chemical preservatives, it is best if you do not use your fingers to scoop out the cream. You can use a clean Q-tip, or a little spoon just for that purpose.

Use the same technique as for the Eye Care protocol, applying the cream on the points to mark them, then using one or both hands, for points that are on either side of your face, gently touch, then go round in circles and gently press down. Inhale and exhale.

What does each marma point correspond to and what does it do

1)    Sthapani – Balances the coordination between the mind and the senses.  It helps ‘turn’ the mind inward to the satwa, the light of the soul.

2)    Ajna- Connects the satwa, the light of the soul, to the Bhramrandhra.  Ajna is at the location of the third eye.

Facial Marma Points for Face Lift

3)    Apanga – Relaxes the eyes and enhances the coordination between the eyes and the mind

4)    Shanka – Removes stress and relaxes the eyes that may be narrowed or shrunk due to stress

5)    Urdhwa & Adho Karna – Here we have a set of points on the ear.  First do 5a then 5b.  Both points relax the mind.

6)    Phana – these points are lateral to the base of nose. They help open and support the ida and pingala nadis.

 7)    Urdhwa Austha – Improves pranic flow to the oral cavity and the lips

 9)    Madhya Austha –  supplies prana to the lips 8)    Adho Austha – Improves pranic flow to the oral cavity and the lips

10)  Chibuk – Provides pranic flow to the whole jaw, nourishing all the nerves that run all the way up to the eyes, ears, brain

11)  Madhya Chibuk – Provides pranic flow to the whole jaw, nourishing all the nerves that run all the way up to the eyes, ears, brain

12)  Kanth – This marma is a reservoir of prana.  Activating Kanth marma supplies more prana to the heart as well as to the head area. It is a cross-roads marma point where the exchange between the head and the rest of the body occurs. Women tend to hold on to a lot of emotional stress at this point. It is a very powerful point to activate. It may carry a lot of toxins, so go very gentle on it.

Whether you give yourself this self-marma massage or somebody else does it, you will feel very relaxed as the body gets an opportunity to discharge accumulated stress physically, mentally, and emotionally. Make sure to give yourself the time to relax after a marma massage. Have a glass of water at hand to rehydrate. Lie down and take it easy for 15-20 minutes. Or if you have done this at night before bed, you are ready for a blissful night of restorative sleep



The sole purpose of this blog is to provide information about the alternative healing modalities of Shaka Vansiya Ayurveda (SVA) as practiced in Vaidya Mishra's ancestral family tradition. The information contained herein is not intended for use in the diagnosis, prevention or cure of any disease. If you have any serious, acute or chronic health concern, please consult a licensed health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Otherwise, for more information, you may call Vaidya Mishra's Prana Center toll free in the USA at 1.888.3CHANDI (888.324.2634). or 1.818.709.1005 globally, or email us at: info@prana-center.com. You may also visit: www.vaidyamishra.com, or www.chandika.com

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