Radiant Health Through SVA Home Detox

There is nothing more precious than experiencing radiant health.

How can we enjoy our birthright – higher states of consciousness and the bliss that lies latent in every cell in our bodies – if we are feeling sick, tired, depressed and our physical bodies are laden with toxins?

But robust health is a rare commodity these days, as we fall victim to the temptations of eating unhealthy processed foods, go to bed late and then just pop pills for the ailments that will eventually arise from this type of lifestyle.
There is a way out however, and it is totally within your reach.  The key to good health is 3-fold:  eat healthy, keep a good daily routine, (going to bed early and waking up early), and learn correct detoxification.
When I tell patients they need to do these 3 things in order to regain their health, they automatically start telling me of the cleanse they just finished – they either did a maple syrup-cayenne pepper cleanse, or a series of colonics or a liver cleanse using milk thistle.  Many of them have taken harsh herbal laxatives such as cascarasagrada and senna.  Yet, even though they have just finished their cleanse they are not only still highly symptomatic, but more often than not, they are in worse shape than before they started their cleanses.
So here we have a beautiful booklet by Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra, where he systematically and sequentially unfolds the knowledge of his divine family lineage, Shaka Vansya Ayurveda (SVA for short).
As you read through the pages, you will be struck by the attention to detail Vaidya Mishra brings to whatever he does.  He describes everything you need to know about detoxification:  the 4 types of toxins and where they come from, a thorough discussion of the physical and vibrational channels and the role they play in the detox process. Then he describes in even greater detail the actual cleanses – keeping in mind that we not only want to pull out the toxins, but we want to direct them to the bowel and kidneys for evacuation and we also want to bind them while waiting for evacuation from these areas so they do not start roaming and creating havoc somewhere else in the body.  And while doing all this, we have to keep the liver cool so the patient doesn’t develop rashes on the skin or develop loose bowel movements.
Having taken thousands of patients through this cleansing process, paying attention to these details as the patients do their cleanses, I can tell you this type of detox works extremely well – and best of all it is fairly easy and safe to do.
Many times, a patient will come up to me and ask me if there is a cure for cancer.  This is your “cure” right here, in the pages of this booklet.  And it turns out that the cure for not only cancer, but any serious disease you can think of, comes in its prevention – again, by eating healthy, going to bed early and learning correct simple daily detoxification procedures.
I see thousands of patients each year.  And I see lots of suffering. But I can tell you honestly and with strong conviction:  the suffering can be alleviated – it is within your reach – and you, like all of my patients can do this – you will be amazed at how quickly your health returns, thanks to the guidance and teachings of Vaidya Mishra and his millennial healing family lineage.
Dr. Marianne Teitelbaum
Cinnaminson, New Jersey
March 2014


The sole purpose of this blog is to provide information about the alternative healing modalities of Shaka Vansiya Ayurveda (SVA) as practiced in Vaidya Mishra's ancestral family tradition. The information contained herein is not intended for use in the diagnosis, prevention or cure of any disease. If you have any serious, acute or chronic health concern, please consult a licensed health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Otherwise, for more information, you may call Vaidya Mishra's Prana Center toll free in the USA at 1.888.3CHANDI (888.324.2634). or 1.818.709.1005 globally, or email us at: info@prana-center.com. You may also visit: www.vaidyamishra.com, or www.chandika.com

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