Gall bladder problems, High Blood Sugar, and EMF exposure

Gall Bladder Problems, High Blood Sugar, and EMF


This case history is an excellent example of what we do best:  prevent disease.  Most people in the Western world, especially America, are used to the medical model, which is to diagnose and treat disease.  Modern medicine’s focus isn’t primarily on the prevention of the disease, but rather the diagnosing of disease and managing it with pharmaceuticals and/or surgical techniques.

In this case, (as well as many of the patients I see), the doctors were monitoring her blood sugar.  It kept increasing over time.  She was told once she became diabetic, they would put her on a pharmaceutical to lower the blood sugar.  What should be done, and what we in fact did, was to identify the underlying imbalances which were allowing the blood sugar to go up.  We addressed all those issues with dietary changes and herbs and her blood sugar automatically came back down into the normal range.
The same was true with her gall bladder.  She presented with right upper quadrant pain (pain under the ribs on the right).  She previously had her gall bladder checked and was told it was fine.  However, again, standard western medical tests are usually designed to diagnose disease.  She did not have a diseased gall bladder — luckily she had not progressed to that stage.  However, the bile was too thick, like a sludge — this is an extremely common occurrence.  The fat you eat is emulsified by the bile, but occasionally that bile can become too thick and not flow well out of the gall bladder backing up and creating pain in that area.  So we thinned out her bile, cleaned her fat tissue and taught her which fats to favor and avoid in her diet.  The pain went away quickly.
Because her bile was not flowing out of the gall bladder for quite some time, her fats were not able to be broken down into small enough particles to be absorbed out of the arteries and into the cells.  Thus, her bloodwork revealed high cholesterol. The doctors put her on cholesterol-lowering medication.  She was lucky in that it gave her too many side effects and she stopped it.  The cholesterol medicine damages the liver (and the muscle and nerve tissue, creating problems in walking, neuropathies and dementia as it starves the brain of much-needed fat).  But the bigger problem is that just taking a statin (cholesterol-lowering) drug does not address the underlying problem — the lack of bile flow which is making the cholesterol go up in the first place.
Now she is digesting her fats better, her brain function is better, her blood sugar has normalized and she feels great.
Perhaps the best part of all is that when she first came in, she was so sick from all of these issues she was considering quitting her job.  She was reacting to EMF’s from her computer and cell phone — it created intense tingling down her arms.  Once we addressed the EMF’s almost all of the tingling went away.
So she is back to work and now really understands how to eat correctly and maintain a good daily routine — and she understands the importance of addressing these issues early on so they don’t blossom into pathologies later in life.
Dr. Marianne Teitelbaum



The sole purpose of this blog is to provide information about the alternative healing modalities of Shaka Vansiya Ayurveda (SVA) as practiced in Vaidya Mishra's ancestral family tradition. The information contained herein is not intended for use in the diagnosis, prevention or cure of any disease. If you have any serious, acute or chronic health concern, please consult a licensed health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Otherwise, for more information, you may call Vaidya Mishra's Prana Center toll free in the USA at 1.888.3CHANDI (888.324.2634). or 1.818.709.1005 globally, or email us at: You may also visit:, or


  1. Sir

    I too have the same above problem…having right side pain…belowthe rib cage..and increased weight…i am also taking statin. having similar problem…I am the regular reader of your news letter…will you please suggest me some..ayurvedic…solution for the gall blader pain…i went for USG abdomin and found its not infected… and found its normal …As said in your above case i too may be having similar bile flow problem…Please suggest me ayurvedic home remedy…

  2. Sometimes statin drug users show similar side effects. It will be best for you to see and consult with your Medical Doctor. But until you do so, here are some tips that may help you:
    • have less fatty foods in general. Make sure you are consuming good fat – probiotic ghee in small quantities, otherwise, olive oil and grapeseed oil are good.
    • Unblock the vibrational channels of your body – this may help relieve pain. You can use channel-opening SVA formulations such as the SuperSport Transdermal cream. Apply this cream on the mid to lower spine area 2-3 times a day. Make sure your bowel movements are good – regular as in at least once a day in the mornings, and well formed etc. Good bowel cleansing will help reduce any undue pressure on that area. Follow a SVA diet. If you need more information about this pls email: Add the kulthi lentil to your diet. Have kulthi dahl twice a week. Remove turmeric from your diet totally for now. However, do all these things as you follow the guidance and are under the supervision of your medical doctor.

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