Does EMF Disrupt Sleep? Spring Detox Update – your SV Ayurveda Newsletter June 4, 2020 – #21, Vol 10

Many of us remember dancing to the tune of “The Age of Aquarius” in 1969 and we are now probably wondering wehether it was a premature move? Whether perhaps the Age of Aquarius wasn’t what it was made out to be; perhaps its arrival was miscalculated; perhaps – and we want to believe – that it is yet to come… Cosmic time-scale is after all hard to conceive off. What counts as the fraction of a second in cosmic terms could easily amount to 100 years in human terms… Either way, until we have more concrete signs of a utopian aquarian society made real, we have to deal with “The Age of Zoom”! And lots – LOTS - of EMF exposure. Even for those of us decrying the harmful effects of overexposure of the human body and mind to electromagnetic devices now have no choice but to resort to longer and more involved usage of electronic devices, as they have come to replace our in-operson social interactions and activities prior to Covid. We have very less choice not to do so nowadays. But perhaps revisiting the impact of EMF on our bodies will remind us to reduce and minimize and try to reach out for the printed book instead, or make the effort to stretch more on our yoga mat, and storing away our electronic pads and going for less screentime. 
Because, as we know all too well, the electro-magnetic field suppresses the activity of the pineal gland and reduce melatonin production. EMF also affects our serotonin levels, the circadian rhythm our bodies run on, as well as the endocrine system. Electromagnetic waves from electrical appliances also trigger serotonin and melatonin in the brain and body (positive ions increase serotonin levels in the body the same way Prozac does); melatonin is an important neuro-hormone in the body. In the pineal gland, serotonin converts into melatonin by enzymatic interaction. Serotonin and melatonin regulate the circadian rhythm. Melatonin also regulates the function of all organs of endocrine system. Improper functioning of hormones exposes us to the risk of depression, mood swings, anxiety, sleep disturbances, brain tumors, and other neu- rological illness (Ref:Antidepressant facts: The Serotonergic system, the Pineal gland & side effects of serotonin acting anti depressants). 
So you see, it’s not just about a little longer, a few more minutes… It actually becomes a vicious cycle as your body’s bio-chemical balance gets thrown off and you find yourself spiraling down a black hole! Even the most up-beat irrepressible optimist will find herself in a brooding grey mood.
You know what you need to do. You know where you need to cut screen-time. You know how and where you can cut exposure to EMF. Do it.
Need inspiration? Here are some helpful tips Vaidya Mishra shared with us:
  1. Turn off your wifi in the evenings and reduce/eliminate exposure to EMF ideally after 6pm-7pm. 
  2. Make sure to eat food that’s full of prana or life-force and soma – nothing acidic or with preservatives and synthetic flavors etc.
  3. Go for a walk outside under the moonlight, hug a tree, lie down on soil or sand – initiate contact with prana in nature to support your body’s restoration of natural prana, your best protection against EMF.
  4. Wear raw silk shawl, shirt, head scarf during electronic device usage. Raw silk is a poor/bad conductor and helps protect against EMF. 
  5. Keep your sleep and awakening time set, and go to bed by 9:30 pm latest. Even if you don’t feel sleep, go to your bedroom and lie in bed anticipating sleep. Lower/turn off the light in your bedroom; have good ventilation/fresh air flow in your bedroom; and wear cotton – nothing synthetic – to bed. All these will help support you to fall asleep faster and deeply. If you are still having a hard time falling asleep, try one of Vaidya Mishra’s Soma Nidra formulations. They are all amazing, but some prefer the tea, while others swear by the roll-on. They will help pacify your heart and mind, and settle the nervouse system, so you get restorative nightly sleep, night after night, and are ready to face this brave new world every morning with renewed shakti! 

Need inspiration? Here are some helpful tips Vaidya Mishra shared with us:
  1. Turn off your wifi in the evenings and reduce/eliminate exposure to EMF ideally after 6pm-7pm. 
  2. Make sure to eat food that’s full of prana or life-force and soma – nothing acidic or with preservatives and synthetic flavors etc.
  3. Go for a walk outside under the moonlight, hug a tree, lie down on soil or sand – initiate contact with prana in nature to support your body’s restoration of natural prana, your best protection against EMF.
  4. Wear raw silk shawl, shirt, head scarf during electronic device usage. Raw silk is a poor/bad conductor and helps protect against EMF. 
  5. Keep your sleep and awakening time set, and go to bed by 9:30 pm latest. Even if you don’t feel sleep, go to your bedroom and lie in bed anticipating sleep. Lower/turn off the light in your bedroom; have good ventilation/fresh air flow in your bedroom; and wear cotton – nothing synthetic – to bed. All these will help support you to fall asleep faster and deeply. If you are still having a hard time falling asleep, try one of Vaidya Mishra’s Soma Nidra formulations. They are all amazing, but some prefer the tea, while others swear by the roll-on. They will help pacify your heart and mind, and settle the nervouse system, so you get restorative nightly sleep, night after night, and are ready to face this brave new world every morning with renewed shakti! 

We concluded our Spring Detox on a high note with bright detoxers sharing their post-detox experiences and their delight at the delicious SVA recipes Vaidya designed for detox and rejuvenation. We promised ourselves and eachother to maintain healthy daily diet and activity routines, and hoped to re-unite online sooner rather than later. BE ON THE LOOK-OUT FOR MANY MORE SVA COMMUNITY COURSES VERY SOOOOOOOON!

We had our final live-streamed session on April 30: we covered specific formulations for SVA Marma Therapy and delved into additional related topics. It was a fabulous final live session, and we were all sad to conclude this portion of the course. We all look forward to when we will be able to get together for our practicum weekend and practice our newly acquired skills. Until then, we will be staying in touch via our virtual classroom and communicating via messenger.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at:, or call us: 1.818.709.1005

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