Cool Off Summer Heat Inside Out In Minutes; your SV Ayurveda Newsletter Sept 15, 2023 – #36, Vol 12

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Summer is about to conclude, and while some of us may regret the end of the hot season, others might be looking for a reset through cooler temperatures. If you feel exhausted from the Summer heat and want to step into Autumn with boldness and confidence, here are a few “instant” recipes with Vaidya Mishra’s Herbal-Memory nectar drops to help you rehydrate, cool off body, heart, and mind! These drops are not made to stimulate or enhance memory!

They carry the “herbal memory of the herb” – they do not have any physical molecules, just the intelligence of the herb. Vaidya Mishra was a master formulator who knew the science of pranic extraction and preservation – these drops are made with ZERO alcohol and preserved pranically with ZERO preservative agents. The liquid carries the cellular intelligence of the plant it was named after.

These drops get absorbed trans-mucosally instantly, and are highly effective, since they bypass the digestive system and deliver their virya or potency where it is needed. You will experience the difference immediately! Here are some recipes below. Enjoy!

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