Devadaru Pine Tree – Nature’s Best Hormonal Modulator and Rasayana For Her

Devadāru – from the Sanskrit deva, ‘god,’ and dāru, ‘wood’ or ‘tree’ literally means ‘tree of the gods.’  There are currently 126 documented species of pines in the world. In my ancestral homeland of Jharkhand, in North East India, the Pinus roxburghii (Pinus longifolia) commonly known as “chir pine” or “longleaf Indian pine,” decks our landscape with its majestic […]

Navaratna Celestial Radiance Facial Cream – with 9 Gems, Gold, & Silver

Pre- and Pro-Biotic Skin Care

Yogini-s are your Best Friends – Inside & Out

The gut-brain axis states that a healthy gut populated by flourishing friendly bacteria can help you think more clearly; it can make you more resolute in your outlook and decision; give you steady mood mode; and helps generate neuro-transmitters that support brain functioning fully. Friendly bacteria or beneficial microorganisms inhabiting our gut and hosted by […]

Dr. Marianne’s Alternatives: Importance of Probiotics

(this article was featured on NBC New York According to a Harvard health publication, scientific evidence shows certain illnesses — including Crohn’s disease — can be managed with foods and supplements containing certain kinds of live bacteria. The friendly bacteria are called probiotics. Pro and biota meaning “for life.”“People are hearing the word ‘probiotics’ […]

Addressing ADHD through SVA Protocols with Dr. Marianne Teitelbaum

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a common behavioral disorder that’s occurring at epidemic levels in children (and some adults).  With this disorder the child acts without thinking, is hyperactive, has trouble focusing.  They may understand what’s expected of them but have trouble following through because they can’t sit still, pay attention of focus on […]

Why Do I Favor SV Ayurveda Formulations Over Others in my Health Clinic?

A patient emailed me a question about using an herbal glyceride drop and a powdered herb that was not from Vaidya Mishra’s Shaka Vansya product line.  I won’t name the products here but after researching the ingredients, this was my response to him:“The glyceride is in an alcohol base.  The alcohol is used as a […]

Guduchi Satwa Nature’s Most Potent Rejuvenative Full Spectrum Antioxidant Rasayana to Reignite Cellular Intelligence

 Guduchi is known primarily for its rasayana properties: full rejuvenation for all 7 physical bodily tissues, organs and organ systems, and the mind. It reawakens and supports the intelligence at the cellular level. Supplies nurturing and nourishment to all aspect of the physiology. Guduchi is a superfood if ever there was one! And that’s why […]

Calcium Deficiency Addressed with SVA Praval Panchamrit

Ayurveda is a treasuretrove of medicinal herbal preparations, specially rejuvenating herbal synergies.  And a select few of them are even more highly prized as they also fall under the category of  ‘Amrit’ preparations. Literally, the term “amrit” means: life-bestowing, from a + mrit = no + death. Rasayanantu tatjneyam yajjaravyadhinasanam Yatha’mrta Dravyas or herbs and plants […]

Biovavailable Calcium or Praval Panchamrit