Calcium Deficiency Addressed with SVA Praval Panchamrit

Ayurveda is a treasuretrove of medicinal herbal preparations, specially rejuvenating herbal synergies.  And a select few of them are even more highly prized as they also fall under the category of  ‘Amrit’ preparations. Literally, the term “amrit” means: life-bestowing, from a + mrit = no + death.

Rasayanantu tatjneyam yajjaravyadhinasanam Yatha’mrta

Dravyas or herbs and plants or herbal synergies that are designated to be amrta are rasayana by definition, rejuvenating to the whole body and mind. Dravya-s or specific herbs or formulations carry many properties, immediate and latent. An herb may have an initial good property but a latent negative impact. Herbs that are rasayana carry life-supporting and bliss-enhancing properties through and through, they are satwic, they raise our consciousness and overall well-being.  The verse says ‘whatever herb has that origin and, of course, that prabhav’.  The prabhavas, ultimate effect or action, is embedded within the herb, and carries the stamp of its origin – how it came to be in existence. In Ayurveda, we like to say that prabhavas are gifted by Aditatwa, the originator of all, the primeval creational energy.  That is why these rasayana dravyas (substances) have the capacity to reverse aging or slow down aging. They increase immunity, protect from diseases, and/or cure diseases.

Praval Panchamrit: Ancient Ayurvedic Formula for Highest Bioavailable Calcium with Coral & Pearl – 

Pacify All 5 Pitta and 5 Vata Dosha-s 

Nourish, Rejuvenate & Restore Bone Tissue 

Praval means coral, and panchamrit literally means: five nectars. This ancient classical rasayana formula with coral is the sum total of 5 life-bestowing amrit ingredients. Not one. Or two. But 5. Let’s look into this further.

In Ayurveda we find a vast knowledge of health benefiting marine based medicinal dravyas or materials.  Praval Panchamrit is one of those. A very famous classical formula  traditionally composed of pearl, red coral, mother of pearl, *kauri, and conch.  This formula is very popular, particularly in North India. Countless Indian herbal companies prepare and sell this formula, but alas, most contain heavy metals, and/or mercury, as the label indicates: Praval Panchamrit Ras (ras designates heavy metals and/or mercury.  Heavy metals and/ormercury are added to act as “yogavahi,” carriers that enhance delivery. This makes the product more effective and therefore more marketable, but at a very high price for the individual’s health. We all know of the toxic side-effect of heavy metals, specially when they are not prepared according to the ancient guidelines. (*Kauri – cowry or cowrie – is the common name for a group of small to large sea snails, marine gastropod molluscs in the family Cypraeidae, the cowries.)

In my SVA lineage we do not use mercury, because we do not need it for enhancing the delivery of the calcium or the other  ingredients in this formula. My SVA lineage has alternative healthy methods of making the ingredients most readily bio-available. In addition, for example, in our SVA formula of Praval Panchamrit, I use only the best quality products of sea shells, only the environmentally sustainable soft branches of above-the-sea red coral – vs the roots that are typically used, and that deplete the plant.  These branches are called shaka praval (shaka means branch). We also use the softer umbillical area of the mother of pearl – an area less than one inch diameter where the pearl sits.  And we use only the smaller and softer ‘baby’ kauri shells.  These forms give us smoother and lighter molecules that are more intelligent and more easily absorbed and assimilated by the body. You should know as well that my red coral is gathered from ‘above the sea’ cultivation grounds, not dredged up from under the sea.  This method is  eco-friendly and sustainable. Due to concerns of radiation contamination, the coral branches that I use have been sourced in the Caribbean, not Okinawa, Japan – a primary source of commercially used coral.

The Making of Praval Panchamrit and What it Can do For You

After carefully selecting and scanning these marine materials for quality, our SVA facilities in India process and grind them in raw, organic cow’s milk.  Then we incinerate them into a fine bhasma (nano-particles from repeated incinerations).  The final product  is a micro-molecule, sukshma, powder. This preparation is know to pacify all five pitta sub-doshas: pachak, ranjak, bhrajak, alochak, and sadhak. Yet, at the same time, it is tri-doshic, or balancing for all doshas, in a perfect way.  Being highly nutritive, it pacifies vata dosha, because anything that nurtures and restores the body helps pacify vata.  This highly intelligent form of calcium reaches the bones right away and nurtures them.  The bone tissue is mostly governed by vata dosha. So, when you nurture the bones you also pacifiy vata.  Interestingly, even though it is highly alkalizing and somagenic (giving cooling, nurturing soma), it does not clog the srotas, the physical channels.  In fact it is channel opening due to its qualities of sukshma (minute), smoothness, and mobility.  In this way, it also helps pacify kapha – an added bonus!

Calcium – Why We Need It & Why We Often Don’t Metabolize It

Calcium is a mineral necessary for life – our bodies need it in large quantities to build and keep our bones – and teeth – strong and healthy.  Calcium alkalizes the blood, oxygenates it, and keeps it healthy. Calcium also nourishes our nerves and helps them fulfill their function of sending chemical signals and messages along the neural pathways to aid our muscles contract.

But the downside is that regular calcium molecules, whether ingested through diet or supplementation, are hard to absorb and be utilized by the bones, pariticularly in conditions of osteopenia or osteoporosis.  In this situation, according to Ayurveda, the body’s overall metabolism is already compromized and unable to process and eliminate fully, generally resulting from toxic build-up in the tissues that cause join inflammation and degeneration. So when we add calcium to the diet, the large heavy molecules do not get fully absorbed or processed putting further load on the metabolic fire. This situation becomes even more complicated when non-intelligent, or dumb, calcium does not reach the bone tissue or when it reaches it but is not metabolized by asthi dhatu (bones).  Instead of helping the body, this unused calcium results in calcification, hardened build-up, and it can settle in almost any part of the body. If you want to learn more about calcification and detoxifying tissue calcifications, read my blog article:  Daily Decalcification and Detox With Instant Kulthi Protein Powder

Calcification caused by the intake of dumb calcium is one concern. The other and primary concern that can be addressed by Praval Panchamrit is related to the pitta body type and low-bone density.  High pitta people – typically those with a pitta-predominant body type – receive more agni from nature, from the environment. This body type automatically receives more agni or metabolic energy. Due to this fact, they have a tendency to go low in bone tissue and bone density and strength as they age. Another way to understand this would be: the pitta body type or pitta aggravated person has acidic tendency and thus needs more alkalinity in the blood.  For one, they actually ‘burn’ calcium floating in the blood; and on the other hand, to buffer the high acidity in the blood the body pulls from its own calcium reservoir – namely the bones.  The blood must have the proper pH level at all times. This is why these people have a tendency toward developing osteopenia or osteoporosis –  they consume the calcium that’s in their blood and leach it from their bones.

Because of this tendency, they require more soma (lunar energy) from various sources to stay balanced at all times.  Calcium is one of the most dense forms of soma! Praval Panchamrit is the ideal classical formula, with the highest possible concentration of soma that pacifies and cools all five pitta sub-doshas.  It’s so powerful that we use only a few pinches at a time. In my practice, and those of my SVA doctors, I have seen many high-pitta people with bone-density problems using my Soma CalTM with great results. However, even the Soma CalTM is not enough to reverse the depletion of calcium from the bone tissue in these individuals. This is where Praval Panchamrit comes in. With calcium not from one, but 5 sources, full of soma, it is ideal for those who have been diagnosed with bone loss, or those with the tendency to low pH, acidic body types, or even hyperacidity.

It has been my long-standing desire to make this classical formula available. However,  sourcing all the right materials, particularly the specific parts needed, in the perfect quality was not easy.  It has taken my SVA team a long time to do so. We now finally have it. But only in a very limited – I received only 10 kgs in this first shipment. The bio-sustainably harvested raw material are very hard to procure, and specially not available in large quantities.

What or When to Use Praval Panchamrit?

Bone Support: If you know your bone tissue needs more support or you have low calcium levels, this formula is ideal for you. Add 3-5 pinches of Pravala Panchamrit along with 3-5 pinches of Guduchi Satwa to a 1/4 glass of water. Stir and drink.   (Read the benefits of Guduchi Satwa below.)  Or you can add the powder mixture to 1/4-½ tsp. of honey. Mix well. Have this twice a day.  For bone loss take three times a day.

Stomach Hyperacidity: Three to five pinches of Praval Panchamrit with two pinches of DGL Powder in half a cup of warm spring water. Mix well. Take twice a day – after  breakfast and after dinner.

Eyes and Vision (tired vision or burning tired eyes):  Five pinches of Praval Panchamrit with one Wild Amla TabletTM.  Crush the tablet and mix both in half cup of spring water.  Take twice a day.

Blood purfication (amavisha – reactive toxins – reflecting on the skin):  Three to five pinches of Praval Panchamrit with five pinches of Manjishta powder in four ounces of warm spring water.  Mix well and drink.  Take twice day after breakfast and after dinner.

Sweat odor (indicative of toxins in the fat tissue):  Boil one cup of spring water for three  minutes.  Remove from heat.  Add five pinches of Indian Sarsaparilla and five pinches of Praval Panchamrit.  Mix well and drink.  Take twice a day after breakfast and after dinner.

Nourishment for Lungs: Take three to five pinches of Praval Panchamrit with 1 tsp. of  SVA Chyawanprash.  Mix well.  Take twice a day after breakfast and after dinner.

General Immune Support: Take three to five pinches of Praval Panchamrit and ten drops of Lung Formula HMNTM. Mix well in four ounces of spring water.  Take twice a day after breakfast and after dinner.

Chronically Compromised Immunity: Three to five pinches of Praval Panchamrit with ten drops of Abhrak Bhasma HMNTM.  Mix well in four ounces of spring water.  Take twice a day after breakfast and after dinner. (Abhrak Bhasma HMNTM is part of our HP (Health Professional) line and cannot be ordered online unless you have a SVA practitioner’s note. Please call the Prana Center at 1.818.709.1005 to find out more.

Joint Support: Three to five pinches of Praval Panchamrit and ten drops of SVA Shring Bhasma HMNTM.  Mix well in four ounces of spring water.  Take 2 or 3 x daily, depending on severity of need.

Ingredients:  Praval Panchamrit Herbal Synergy with: fresh water Moti (pearl); sustainably harvested eco-friendly Coral (Praval); Shanka (conch shell); Mukta Shukti (Mother-of-Pearl); Kauri (sea shells).

Directions:   Use according to your SVA practitioner for specific conditions: For general doshic pacification –especially for high pitta – and rasayana value, add 3-5 pinches of Praval Panchamrit to a ½ to 1 tsp of raw, uncooked honey or add to a 1/4 cup  of spring water, stir, and drink. Have 2-3 times a day after breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  For best results, use with SVA Guduchi Satwa.

Precautions: Not for children under the age of ten.


The sole purpose of this blog is to provide information about the alternative healing modalities of Shaka Vansiya Ayurveda (SVA) as practiced in Vaidya Mishra's ancestral family tradition. The information contained herein is not intended for use in the diagnosis, prevention or cure of any disease. If you have any serious, acute or chronic health concern, please consult a licensed health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Otherwise, for more information, you may call Vaidya Mishra's Prana Center toll free in the USA at 1.888.3CHANDI (888.324.2634). or 1.818.709.1005 globally, or email us at: You may also visit:, or


  1. Poliana Miranda says

    I am 51 and entered menopause at 42. I already have osteoporosis and osteopenia. How can I purchase Praval Panchamrit from you? Do I also need Soma CalTM?

  2. Dear Miranda Praval Panchamrit will be back in stock very soon. Apologies for the delay.
    If you do Praval you won’t need Soma Cal. You can do Soma Cal until we get Praval back in stock.
    Let us know if we can further assist you. Thank you.

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