Prebiotics & Probiotics for Your Skin – The In-Depth SVA Perspective by Vaidya RK Mishra and Dr M. Teitelbaum

If our body creates its own friendly bacteria, why do we need to use synbiotic (prebiotic and probiotic) foods, supplements and skincare? It’s simple; we are depleting our own friendly bacteria through the use of antibiotics, environmental toxins, poor diet, parabens (yes, we have all heard that dirty word!) preservatives, highly acidic food, acidic personal care products, excess alcohol intake, too many anti-bacterial solutions in skin products, chemical peels and more. The overuse of antibiotics is of particular concern as antibiotics not only kill germs and disease, they also kill beneficial bacteria. Simply put, antibiotics kill without prejudice. Over time, these etiological factors have altered our friendly bacteria so much that we have depleted our immune system and we are more susceptible to disease and illness. As discussed earlier, the use of probiotics as a complement to a healthy diet and lifestyle is not new, and has been documented in the Vedas and used for thousands of years for digestive, gastro-intestinal, urogenital, auto-immune and skin ailments. Up until recently, probiotics have always been ingested internally, but are now available as topical solutions that directly improve the composition of the skin’s microflora and friendly bacteria. A growing body of scientific evidence and research is showing that in addition to certain foods and supplements, topical creams, ointments and clays containing certain live and friendly bacteria can alleviate and prevent a variety of skin conditions and symptoms. (see list of sample references at the end of this article). Our skin, our largest organ, is full of little ecosystems that need to be balanced in order to function optimally. Through its layers we absorb the universal pranic energy we need to sustain our life, as well as protect us from hazardous effects of environmental toxins such as chemicals, EMF and EMR (electromagnetic fields and radiation). Our skin also supports our immune system helping to prevent infections. By supporting our skin with prebiotics and probiotics we can reestablish a state of balance and optimize the naturally occurring friendly bacteria in our bodies. Remember, our food is our medicine and our skin is an organ, so feeding our skin adequately with nature-derived nourishment will help restore its balance, luster and vibrancy. Low levels of friendly bacteria in our skin shows up as symptoms of dry and rough skin, thinning and scaly skin, lack of resistance against environmental and seasonal changes and allergies, and flare-ups related to auto-immune conditions. Common bothersome and often painful (both physically and mentally) skin conditions include; eczema, acne, psoriasis, rosacea, allergies, dermatitis, rashes etc.   The symbiotic approach of using prebiotics and probiotics in skincare is a straightforward one; reduce the amount of bad bacteria, while preserving and supporting the beneficial bacteria that protect our skin from infections and other environmental effects. But it should be noted that for optimal results, the application of synbiotics on the skin should be a coordinated one as bacterial equilibrium on the skin can be easily disturbed. The topical application of prebiotics will promote the growth of beneficial bacterial and inhibit harmful bacteria. The topical application of probiotics provides a preventative and alleviating effect of skin issues. Together, they provide a balanced approach that improves the function of the skin and supports the overall immune system. The skin acts as a barrier against harsh chemical and vibrational environmental effects that we sometimes cannot avoid and therefore requires our long-term care and attention.

What are the key differences between conventional antibacterial skincare products and synbiotic skincare products?
  Conventional anti-bacterial skincare products reduce all bacterial growth, good and bad. Synbiotic skincare products fight and limit the growth of infectious bad bacteria, yet preserve and stimulate beneficial and friendly bacteria. Probiotics also aid the skin in absorbing nutrients, sooth inflammation, and boost immune function.
When evaluating your use of synbiotic, prebiotic and probiotic skincare, it is important that you research the validity of the products and educate yourself sufficiently. It is also key to understand that true health is not simply about treating symptoms – it is about considering the mind, body and soul as a whole entity.
The Charak Samhita[1] teaches us that Ayurvedic healing should have a three-pronged or tri-sutra approach; we should understand the etiological factors of those we are healing (hetu sutra), we should analyze the symptoms (lingam sutra), and third, we should use therapeutics (aushadhi gyanam sutra) to prevent and heal. Etiological factors are risks factors that contribute to the cause of a disease and those specifically related to our skin may include; the use of antibiotics, unnatural preservatives, acidic food, intake of high sulphur foods, excessive alcohol, chemical-based personal care items, makeup and sunscreens. The etiological factors will cause symptoms that manifest as dryness, roughness, premature wrinkles, lack of resistance to environment fluctuations, lack of glow, flare-ups related to auto-immune deficiencies, as well as thinning and scaling. Therapeutics should be offered as guidelines in avoiding etiological factors, using safe cleansing agents for our skin, and supplementing our skin with pr biotics (discussed below) and probiotics to support the friendly bacteria.

Vaidya’s SVA Probiotic Line
Vaidya Mishra has developed the SVA pre-and-probiotic facial cleansers, clays, creams and soaps to target common skin ailments, provide anti-aging benefits, and support an environment for healthy and friendly bacteria to thrive. The proprietary formulations are based on ancient Vedic texts, time-tested research studies and practice by the SVA Ayurvedic lineage, as well as basic universal truths and philosophical concepts.  This skincare line is designed to be used as part of the tri-sutra Ayurvedic approach; avoid as many etiological factors as possible to help support the friendly bacteria on your skin, and treat the symptoms and skin with therapeutics such as the SVA prebiotic and probiotic skincare line. The prebiotic herbs used in the SVA skincare line are bacteriostatic, as they stop bacteria from reproducing without harming them. They provide a healthy environment of food for friendly bacteria to thrive, and keep the PH level of the skin neutral. Since the bad bacteria are not welcome, they leave or simply do not multiply. The SVA skincare line does not use bacteriocidal substances, which are designed to kill bacteria. Examples of bacteriocidal formulations are disinfectants, antiseptics, and antibiotics. Prebiotic herbs in the SVA line provide a wonderful environment for the yoginies to flourish and include:

  • turmeric – immune modulator and bacteriostatic (in body prebiotic clay only)
  • neem leaf – supports cellular immunity (in body prebiotic clay only)
  • ashoka – binds auto-immune toxins (in body prebiotic clay only)
  • lodra – firms and reshapes skin (in body prebiotic clay only)
  • triphala – nurturing and helps bind toxins (in body prebiotic clay only)
  • iron bhasma – provides extra food and supports immune system (in body prebiotic clay only)
  • praval pishti – coral calcium (in body prebiotic clay only)
  • baking powder – alkalizing and cleansing effect (in body prebiotic clay only)
  • marshmallow root – contains inulin an adaptable substance that helps bind toxins
  • slippery elm – similar effects as marshmallow root
  • Indian sarsaparilla – fat purifier (fat is acidic which can kill friendly bacteria)
  • praval bhasma – neutralizes PH balance
  • pranic clay – for enhanced delivery of life-enforcing pranic energy
  • Sweet orange and grapefruit – gentle natural preservatives
  • manjistha – immune corrector
  • vegetable glycerin – emulsifier
  • ylang ylang, jasmine, lavender – fragrances

The probiotic creams in the SVA line include an organic base of coconut and vegetable glycerin, ylang ylang, jasmine, sweet orange and grapefruit as natural preservatives, neem, turmeric, manjistha, indian sarsaparilla, guduchi, aloe vera, and lactobacillus bulgaricus as the active probiotic ingredient.
The SVA pre and probiotic products should be used together and provide a safe and effective two-step solution for detoxification and restoring balance to the skin and include:

–        Step 1 for face: Prebiotic facial cleanser

  • Clean your face with a thin layer of prebiotic cleanser
  • Leave it on for 2-3 minutes, then rinse off
  • Should be kept in a cool and dry place

–        Step 2 for face: Probiotic facial cream

  • Apply a thin layer of probiotic facial cream
  • Keep in the fridge and finish within one month of opening
  • If aroma disappears or goes off, discard the cream

–        Step 1 for body: Prebiotic cream clay

  • Apply a thin layer of clay on your body
  • Leave it on for 5 minutes, then rinse off
  • Should be kept in a cool and dry place

–        Step 2 for body: Probiotic body cream

  • Apply a thin layer of probiotic body cream
  • Keep in the fridge and finish within one month of opening
  • If aroma disappears or goes off, discard the cream

In addition, Dr. Mishra has developed a line of synbiotic soaps with prebiotic and probiotic ingredients that are extra-strength and should only be used by licensed Ayurvedic practitioners and physicians. This soap is designed for affected areas of the body only and should not be used on the face. Afterwards, one should apply probiotic cream on the body. A lesser-strength soap is available for daily use. After following the two-step SVA pre and probiotic application, users have reported that their skin felt instantly nourished, hydrated and provided them with an overall feeling of bliss.
Based on divine guidance, the wisdom and knowledge of ancient Vedic texts, and the Shaka Vansya (SVA) Ayurvedic lineage, Vaidya Mishra and his team have been able to capture the essence of a revolutionary skincare formula that balances and strengthens the immune system, and protects, enhances and enriches the skin.

References and further reading on probiotic studies:
There are now hundreds of studies that show the direct connection and relationship between probiotics, the skin, and immunity. Below are a few references:

  • Coordinated application of pre and probiotics to get optimum results on skin.[2]
  • Conventional cosmetic strategies use antibacterial methods which reduce the amount of bad bacteria, but also effect beneficial bacteria. A prebiotic strategy would rebalance the composition of the skin’s microflora by inhibiting the growth of P. acnes and at the same time preserving the growth of beneficial bacteria.[3][4][5]
  • Probiotics may alleviate and even prevent eczema in infants.[6]
  • Significant improvement in atopic dermatitis has been reported in infants given probiotic-supplemented elimination diets.[7]
  • Probiotics administered pre-and post natal for 6 months may be able to reduce the prevalence of atopic eczema in children at high risk for atopic diseases as compared with placebo treatment.[8]
  • Double-blind, randomized clinical study has shown that as 24-week skin nutrition intervention with a fermented dairy product in female volunteers having dry and sensitive, but otherwise healthy skin significantly reduced trans-epidermal water loss and thus improved stratum corneum barrier function compared to a placebo product.[9]

[1] The Charaka Samhitā Sutra is the canonical and authoritative early Ayurvedic text on internal medicine
[2] Journal of Dermatological science. Leyden JJ, McGinley KJ, Bowels B. Propionibacterium acnes colonization in acne and nonacne. Dermatology 1998; 196:55-8.
[3] Journal of Dermatological Science. Pre-and probiotics for human skin by Jean Krutmann.
[4] Bockmuhl D, Jasoy C, Nieveler S, Scholtyseek R., Wadle A, Waldmann-Laue M. Prebiotic cosmetics: an alternative to antibacterial products. IFSSC Mag 2006; 9-1-5
[5] Freter R. Factors affecting the mircoecology of the gut. In: Fuller R, ed. Probiotics, the scientific basis. London: Champan & Hall, 1992: 111-44.
[6] Food allergy, anaphylaxix, dermatology and drug allergy. Probiotics in prevention of IgE-associated eczema: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. By Thomas R. Abrahamson, MD., Ted Jakobsoon, PhD, Bengt Bjorksten, MD, PhD, and Goran Oldaeus, Md, PhD (Linkoping, Stockholm, and Jonkopimg, Sweden
[7] Isolauri E., Arvola T, Sutas Y, Moilanen E, Salminen S. Probiotics in the management of atopic eczema. Clin Exp Allergy 2000; 30:1605-10, Rosenfeldt V, Benfeldt E, Dam Nielsen S, Fleichsler Michaelsen K, Jppesen DL, Valerius NH, et al. Effect of probiotic Lactobacillus strains in children with atopic eczema. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2003; 111:389-95., Viljnen M., Savilahti E, Haahtela. Et al. Probiotics in the treatment of atopic eczema/dermatitis syndromein infants: a double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Allergy 2005; 60:494-500, Weston S., Halbert A, Rihmond P, Prescott SL. Effects of prebiotics on atopic dermatitis: a randomized controlled trial. Arch Dis Child 2005: 90:892-7.
[8] Kalliomaki M, Salminen S, Arviommi H, Kero P, Kaskinen P, Isolauri E. Probiotics in primary prevention of atopic disease: a randomized placebo-controlled trial. Lancet 2001; 357:1076-9.
[9] Puch F, Samson-Villeger S, Guyonnet D, Blachon JL, Rawlings AV, Lassel T. The consumption of functional fermented milk containing borage oil, green tea and vitamin E enhances skin barrier funtion. Exp Dermatol 2008; 7:668-74.


The sole purpose of this blog is to provide information about the alternative healing modalities of Shaka Vansiya Ayurveda (SVA) as practiced in Vaidya Mishra's ancestral family tradition. The information contained herein is not intended for use in the diagnosis, prevention or cure of any disease. If you have any serious, acute or chronic health concern, please consult a licensed health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Otherwise, for more information, you may call Vaidya Mishra's Prana Center toll free in the USA at 1.888.3CHANDI (888.324.2634). or 1.818.709.1005 globally, or email us at: You may also visit:, or


  1. This is an interesting article. I currently take prebiotic in the form of a powder in water and I feel it has begun to alleviate the dry, rough nature of my eczema.

    Should I also take probiotics? And does oral application differentiate greatly from topical application?

    Thanks for this information

  2. Dear Selina,
    For this specific condition both, oral and topical applications are very important, to support the friendly bacteria inside and outside our body.

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