Case Study of “Everything Under the Sun” – with Video Testimonial

When presented with patients like this it is best to stop, take a breath, and remember what you are taught:  don’t get caught up in the names of the diseases.  This patient was diagnosed with 13 diseases, including fibromyalgia, osteopenia, asthma, ADHD, rheumatoid arthritis, chemical poisoning (from his time in the military) and many more conditions.  He was in excruciating pain, unable to walk or even move, sitting in his house all day drugged from so many pain (and other) medications.

Rather than scattering the treatment protocol, trying to treat each and every disease and symptom, just do what you know how to do, which is:

— first address the main underlying imbalances (hetu)

— next teach good diet and daily routine (dinacharya)

— and THEN begin the detox program

It is always tempting – when presented with a patient who tells you he was poisoned with every known chemical weapon in the military – to begin the detox process immediately.  That is what everyone wants to do, including the patient.

However, keep in mind what Vaidya always taught us:  first prepare the liver for detox:  if it is overheated, detox will only heat it up more, potentially aggravating his inflammation.  We have so many tools available in the SVA pharmacopeia for cooling the liver:  DGL cream down the spine and on the liver, liver clay directly on the liver, Bhumi Amla, both in nectar drops and in powder for a tea, or as a soup.

We also have Mankand – Vaidya taught us that it was the only herb for the liver that did not heat the liver — only cooled it. He said that Bhumi Amla, which is famous for cooling the liver, still had some detoxifying capacity that could prove to be too much in some cases. Another thing I’ve learnt to love about Mankand is its power to regenerate damaged liver cells, useful in cases such as the one we are discussing here, and of course in cases of fatty liver conditions, and/or cirrhosis of the liver.

Next, you must know, Vaidya taught us to to prepare the channels for detox, lubricating them if/when inflamed and dry, to prevent rupture as the hot/acidic amavisha and garavisha toxins are being evacuated.

But first, we ALWAYS make sure to address their digestion, because even with a healthy diet, we can turn food into amavisha or poison, if/when the digestive metabolic fire is not functioning 100%.  This is another reason Vaidya has taught us to wait and begin the detoxification process later, after we address primary basics, rather at the get-go.  For what good will it be if you detox the body trying to reduce the inflammatory load, yet the person keeps making new fresh amavisha from their food, due to the improper combustion and assimilation of food?  You will be stuck in a loop and your protocols will not work, BUT in addition: you can make them worse, as you release nestled toxins in addition to new toxic load being constantly created through the digestive system, and you can end up with severe toxic crises on your hands.

So after you address the SVA basics of digestions/elimination etc, you can then gradually and gently introduce some of the herbs for specific pathologies:  Maha Kantakari drops work well as a bronchodilator. The plant Kantakari has the nature’s intelligence to open and dilate the bronchial tubes, but without side effects.  And unlike pharmaceutical drugs on the market that address lung conditions, Vaidya’s plant-based Nectar drops help heal the lungs, through the intelligence of the plants, to support the physiology in its efforts to correct asthma.

Another amazing plant, in this case, Boswellia acts like a steroid without side effects! My asthma patients do great with boswellia and kantakari Nectar drops with long term usage.  The great thing about boswellia is that it helps the inflammatory process as a whole, all over the body.  So in cases like the current patient, it will help with fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis and overall pain and stiffness, in addition to addressing the lungs.

Interesting side note:    When Vaidya was teaching me about using boswellia, I researched it further.  Taking note that it is also known as Frankincense, I told Vaidya, “You may not know this, coming from India, but Frankincense was offered to Christ as a gift by the Three Wise Men from the East.” 

He replied, chuckling, “Yes, Yes!  The Three Wise Men were from my family lineage! The English work “magi” can be historically and linguistically traced back to the “Mag Brahmin”s, my ancestors. I knew he had told us his family lineage was divine, but then I really understood what he meant!

Back to our patient:  One of the best remedies for healing the cartilage in the joints is Healthy Joints capsules, which contains eco-sustainably harvested Shringh Bhasma (Deer Antler ash) as well as Boswellia.  Shringh Bhasma, is great for healing the cartilage in the joints.  I love this remedy, specially as when combined with the anti-inflammatory boswellia, you can go so far so fast with the healing.

In addition, Nirgundi Nectar drops works very effectively for arthritic patients.  It is an Ayurvedic herb which also heals the cartilage — I have had amazing results with this remedy.  And don’t forget Healthy Joints drops which are also great for the joints.

As far as osteopenia goes, we have so, so many remedies for that:

Praval Panchamrit is the five types of ocean calcium — from two types of coral (red and white), two types of pearls and baby snail shells — all ground down and incinerated repeatedly to insure smooth absorption into the bone cells.  The calcium supplements people take nowadays stays stuck in the arteries, forming hard plaque and hardening of the arteries, paving the way for heart attacks.  If we can’t obtain this remedy (because it is so hard to make) we’ll give Soma Cal capsules, which is also a live version of calcium, coral calcium, taken from the delicate branches of the coral plant.  Vaidya told me the heavy metals in the ocean could sink to the root of the coral plant, which was why he always took the coral from the delicate parts of the plant.  Also, the molecules were smaller, aiding in better assimilation into the cells.

Bone herb (Asthi Shrinkala) is excellent for bone regeneration — we now have regular Bone Herb drops, as well as the stronger version Maha Bone Herb, as well as the crude bone herb powder for use in the thermos or made as a tea.

Hopefully everyone is familiar with Vaidya’s Magnesium products — all the oils, cream and roll-on.  This magnesium chloride is the best to use in the body.  The magnesium sulfate (epsom salts) has an effect, but it is short-lived.  Plus the magnesium sulfate has to be converted to the magnesium chloride form, so you might as well give the magnesium chloride form to begin with.

By now you all probably know it is not good to take Vitamin D orally.  We have to honor the liver in everything we eat, making sure the food is good for the liver, and in all the remedies and supplements we take, since they too have to be scanned by the liver.  Vitamin D is a fatty Vitamin and can give result in a fatty liver after long-term oral use.  Not only that, by dumping that much fat into the gall bladder day after day one can create thickness in the bile, resulting in bile sludge, which can give a whole host of gall bladder problems.  Best to use Vitamin D through the skin, either as a cream, a roll-on or a deoderant. Vaidya’s cutting-edge and in-depth understanding of transdermal delivery is here once more evident.

Finally, Vitamin K2 is important for directing the calcium that we take into the body to the bones and teeth, keeping it away from the arteries (causing hardening of the arteries), joints (causing arthritis) and the organs.  However, it is hardly found anywhere in the diet.  But did you know that the great source of Vitamin K2 is ghee?  And probiotic ghee, or “Mom’s Ghee” is the best ghee of all, since the friendly bacteria in the probiotic cultures used to make the ghee break the fat down into smaller particles for better absorption into the cells.  Always keep in mind too that the fat tissue is transformed into the bone tissue (Meda makes Asthi), therefore, we need an excellent source of fat in the diet for this transformation to occur, resulting in proper bone health.  Ghee is the best source of fat, with only four carbons in its chain, it is the easiest of any oil to digest (all vegetable oils have anywhere from 15 or even up to 25 carbons in their chain — the liver has to dismantle the carbon chain coming into it once you swallow the oil, creating tremendous strain on the liver.  Ghee is such a small carbon chain it hardly needs any breakdown by the liver and is almost instantly absorbed into the system!)

These case histories are so rewarding for me to share.  I will try to give explanations in the case histories so that you, the doctor, practitioner, or the patient, can learn how to use these exciting and amazing remedies for healing. 

Thank you Vaidya for all you have left behind for us.  We have so many tools to work with.

Dr. Marianne Teitelbaum

Cinnaminson, New Jersey



The sole purpose of this blog is to provide information about the alternative healing modalities of Shaka Vansiya Ayurveda (SVA) as practiced in Vaidya Mishra's ancestral family tradition. The information contained herein is not intended for use in the diagnosis, prevention or cure of any disease. If you have any serious, acute or chronic health concern, please consult a licensed health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Otherwise, for more information, you may call Vaidya Mishra's Prana Center toll free in the USA at 1.888.3CHANDI (888.324.2634). or 1.818.709.1005 globally, or email us at: You may also visit:, or


  1. Sounds like some very useful herbal remedies!

  2. vrushali says

    Wonderful information! Thank you Dr Teitelbaum for keeping Vaidya’s legacy alive and flourishing!

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